> Is Steve McIntyre a climate scientist?

Is Steve McIntyre a climate scientist?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
He is a statistician known for his work in the minerals industry, but in recent years he has worked quite a bit in climate, so it might be fair to call him at least a part-time climate scientist.


He isn't actually a geologist although he worked as a statistician analyzing ore samples. That was why he was able to debunk Mann's Hockey Stick. Mann was using questionable statistical methods. McIntyre's job was to ferret out questionable methods because often people would try to sell their mines and claims.

I should clarify and say that McIntyre's former job was to ferret out fraudulent claims where people tried to exaggerate the value of their claims sometimes using statistical methods. I am a geologist. I am not a climate scientists but geologists are not excluded from being climate scientists. I linked to what he was and we still have people claiming he is a geologist. Well I guess if Peg can acknowledge him as a climate scientist, I would gladly make him an honorary geologist.

McIntyre seems to be a statistician. He also has the type of mind that can sift through large quantities of information in forensic detail and identify discrepancies. If you have been telling porkies1 he will find you out.

@FSM: "Sustainability is a codeword for communism" If Sagebrush siad that he is quite wrong. Sustainability is a codeword for Agenda21. It is Agenda21 that is a codeword for Communism!

1 Porkies is rhyming slang: Pork(y) pies - lies.

He is at least as much a climate scientist as Mikey Mann.

No, he just corrects errors made by climate scientists.


McIntyre doesn’t care about climate science. He was hired to do a job. If herpetologists were a business/political inconvenience to the people who pay him then he would have an anti-frog blog.

Steve McIntyre is a diehard denier. he has no education in climatology and is therefore NOT a climate scientist. He is also associated with Heartland which makes him not trustworthy

I think it is irrelevent, I judge a man by his work not his qualifications

No. And he was able to prove what a fraud Mann's hockey stick graph is.

In fact, how many of those involved with the IPCC are not climate scientists?

I don't think so as in 2005 he had not studied issues of infrared radiation and water vapor. [1]

Sagebrush who, like the Nazi's he quotes to further his cause, now makes the ridiculous claim that eduction in sciences related to climate is akin to communism.

Here are some other things Sagebrush claimed are akin to communism. "Sustainability is a codeword for communism", "Justice and equality are codewords for communism". He also want to "Hire the handicapped, they are fun to watch", claims that "God has his hand on the thermostat", and wants to "Execute all those who voted for OBAMA".

Who cares what he is, as long as he is right.

Besides, Climate Scientist is just another name for a Communist educated person.

His main experience in climate science is trying to deceive people about it.

No. He understands numbers.

no, retired geologist.