> Has anyone bothered to plunk down $2 to get this book? " Consensus on the Consensus"?

Has anyone bothered to plunk down $2 to get this book? " Consensus on the Consensus"?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 

Nope, I have not purchased it. There is only one review of the book on the page you linked. If that review is correct, then the book is not worth two dollars. If that review is correct --- it's not worth the paper it was printed on.


I won't be purchasing a copy; I already accept that a large majority of climate scientists agree that GW is largely man made and likely to be a problem. What interests me is the physics behind the phenomenon; for me, the $48 I plunked down for this book is much better value.


Yes, it will test your maths, but if, like me, your maths isn't as good as it could be, there is much to be gained from the written text. It's probably not for everyone, but for anyone reasonably intelligent, with an interest in physics and perhaps some basic calculus, there is much to be gained from this book.

Not personally purchased the book but we have a PDF version in our publications database. A very quick glance reveals it to be what you’d expect. It’s an extension of the earlier Zimmerman/Doran study into scientific opinions concerning climate change. The numbers are pretty much the same but they’re analysed in far greater detail.

Not me - but I don't expect it will be much more enlightening than this: http://tigger.uic.edu/~pdoran/012009_Dor... This was also based on Kendal Zimmerman's MSc thesis, I believe.


whats a book?

We know that you are against reading and knowledge in any form
