> What country is contributing the most to climate change and global warming?

What country is contributing the most to climate change and global warming?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
In terms of AGW, the US and China have been neck and neck lately (India may have more people than the US, but they don't have nearly as many SUVs...). I think China's currently in the lead, in terms of total impact, though obviously the US per capita impact is much higher. Especially given the other questions you have.

I'm fairly certain 2 is false.

I don't know about 3, I'd check whatever resources you're supposed to be answering these questions from.

Googling energy use per person, I get USA first Canada 2nd Finland 3rd, china and india are so low down on the list that I didn't bother to look.

B false the official language of Japan is Japanese.

A true according to some people.

Climate does not respond immediately to changes in greenhouse gases. The amount of global warming is related to the amount of greenhouse gases that are already in the atmosphere, accumulated for the past 150 years. So who's responsible for that concentration that is already there?

the USA and Europe account for 60% and China a mere 6%.

If the question is what country emits the most today, that is different. China is catching up fast to the USA every year. On the same link, China has 5% more emissions than the US in 2009. They still have a long way to catch up to what the USA has already dumped in the air.

you can bet that China knows this and that is why international treaties like Kyoto fail.

In 2009 China emitted @ 2 million more tons than the US China is in the process of building many coal fired power plants to bring electricity to it's people so China is the leader by far. India is closing in on the US and will surpass us before long

And yes do your own homework and you will learn Keep getting others to do your work for you and you may be just another dunce who graduates from college.

I would most likely lean to china, because they contain most of the worlds factorys I.E; They make everything pretty much. If you pick up a product it's mostly made in china, and china has a very dense population. Not sure on the others.



Edit for CF. China overtook USA for total emission in 2008. Qatar has the highest per capita emissions, the USA is ranked 12th.

None of the above.

Don't be foolish.

Find something else to worry about Al.

Question 1: None of the above. / The sun.

Question 2: Do your own homework and that would be false.

Question 3: Some "experts" have also said that Barack Obama is a great leader, thus proving that many so-called experts can be full of excrement. It has to be A, since someone known as an expert in something must have said that at some time.

Damn... our country is falling apart....


None its a myth .

A) China

B) India

C) United States

D) Russia

E) Brazil

(I'm leaning toward China or India due to the population size)

2. Japan's indigenous Ainu language is a rare example of an indigenous language that is currently the most commonly spoken language in the country?

A) True Or B) False

3. Some experts have dubbed our current century, the Asian Century for the profound impact that this region will have on the world throughout this century?

A) True or B) False