> Can haarp be used to bring drought in an area?

Can haarp be used to bring drought in an area?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
To be fair, although those who pointed out the energy scale mismatch are quite correct, the weather is a chaotic process. In chaotic systems there may be a critical point where a slight input of energy may cascade into a massive consequence.


Does anyone know of such a point to manipulate? No, unless it's classified. A better way of looking at it is, it would be rather fantastic if such important and useful information was discovered on such a short period of experimentation.

HAARP has long been shut down due to across the board budget cuts. How much energy is in the atmosphere? How much energy is HAARP able to release at peak power? Do you see a slight mismatch?

No. But let's suppose that drought could be caused. How? By suppressing clouds.

How can clouds be suppressed?

1. Heat the upper atmosphere to prevent up-drafts.

2. Heat the clouds to cause them to evaporate.

The only power source that can do either is the Sun. And HAARP only produced a 3.6 MW signal.


If the weather can be controlled dont you think we could order any droughts to dissapear in africa or asia?
