> A question for Global Warmers?

A question for Global Warmers?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
No. Global warming is a technology problem, not a population problem. If we use zero emission energy sources, it will not matter how many people there are.

OK! It will matter, but population is a food supply problem, not a global warming problem.

I don't think Mexico has the worst pollution in the world but Mexico City is up there. To me these issues are unrelated. Illegal immigration is something that the Chamber of Commerce wants for cheap labor (hence Republican establishment support) and Democrats wants for votes. What difference to world pollution would it make if those immigrants moved here or stayed in Mexico? With Obama's economy, most have decided to stay home anyway.

Racist bigotry doesn’t disprove global warming.

Of course there are some people (of all backgrounds and ethnicities) who pollute more than others and if we all followed their example then the world would be a much worse place. Thankfully very few people share your viewpoint, if they did then our forebears would have done nothing in their attempts to make the world a better place. Environmental standards would be far worse than they are, every industrialised nation on Earth would be suffocating in it’s own pollution, we’d still have open sewers and cesspits, water supplies would be heavily contaminated, radiation levels would be much higher than they are, thousands of species would be extinct etc etc.

Just so you know, on a per-capita basis the US is the world’s 12th worst emitter of CO2, Mexico is 91st. When other factors such as petrochemical emissions, CFC’s. HFC’s etc are taken into account then the US is 14th and Mexico is 92nd.

Especially if extraterrestrial aliens of the Rothschildian or Reptilian hollow moon matrix variety are using Svante Gore's time machine warp drive to cause global warmongering in the first place.

Aliens eat and pollution; that's why Mexico now has more immigrants and emigrants, and it's so hard to find a good enchilada with green sauce nowadays.

Your paranoia is mispalced. The rest of the world knows that USA imperialist colonialist incursion on their territories is the real threat, why do you think the USA is so universally hated. We may make nice on the surface but behind the scenes we are white-anting you

Wow, this was a completely idiotic question when you asked it YESTERDAY:


Are you out-of-touch with reality that you can't recall what you've done from one day to the next?

Please take your racist rants elsewhere.

Don't ask the same question twice.

Have you ever stopped to realize that no matter how much good you do on 1 end it will all be undone by illegal alien immigrants. They really do not care where they poor the dirty oil and take a bath. 20 million people like this having 10 children each will undo all your best efforts. Think about it. Mexico has the worse pollution on earth.