> Why is it, I am not allowed?

Why is it, I am not allowed?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Know nothings like Tom probably admire Dork. They believe whatever is spoon fed to them. These are the same people that believed Bengazi was all about some home made video. Frankly I get annoyed at Ottawa for not blocking Dork. Dork is the only one I block. I'm sure Mike doesn't want to be dragged down to Dorks gutter but Dork doesn't deserve a voice. He blocks those who disagree with him. I seldom read what he writes and when I do I regret the lost time. There is nothing to learn from him. It is just offensive trash. I think I could write what he writes before he writes it yet he probably thinks he the most clever person on YA.

There is a difference Gringo. Nazis were "National Socialists". It is what their name means in German and it wasn't just a fluke. It was who they were. We have socialists like Dork calling conservatives Nazis. There are all types of socialists. Marx had many failed ideas but his belief that the workers would unite didn't take into account that nationalism is often a stronger motivation. German workers weren't going to unite with Russians over fellow Germans. Hitler and Mussolini, both ardent Marxist knew that and used nationalism to push their brand of statism. For me, that is why it is so offensive when someone like Dook compares those who are anti-statists, anti-Nazis, (e.g conservatives) with Nazis it is particularly irritating when he is far closer to the Nazi views if you subtract the killing of the Jews

I think it is more likely that you yourself use the methods of Goebbels given your description. In almost every one of your recent posts you continue to state the falsehood that the world has not warmed in 10 or 15 years with the additional statement "Notice I stayed away from El Nino". When it is pointed out to you that an El Nino is part of the biyearly cycle known as ENSO and the recent years have been flooded with recent, very powerful, LA Ninas you completely ignore it.


There is the ENSO index. El Ninos are in red. La Ninas are in blue. These cycles provide much more variability to climatic temperatures than the long term increase in temperatures due to more energy retention from greenhouse gases. The recent powerful La Ninas may be due to the negative or neutral PDO.


And we can see that this is having an effect if we look at the temperature trend differences between 0-700m and 0-2000m.


Of course I'm sure you'll just ignore this and continue sticking to you nazi-like Goebbels tactics with attempting to deceive those who see your post. Tell me, why are you even on this site as you don't seem to be interested in any bit of science at all regarding the environment and are merely here to troll the category? That is pretty much what you, Maxx, Billy and pretty much any other deniers except for a select few do in here. Kano seems more open to the actual science yet he continues falling into the old Sagebrush/Maxx trap of accusations rather than understanding. And you have even called people stupid for not believing your lies.

Is it time for the pillow fight? Maybe after you throw in some statements about how 'greenies' are communists?

Question for everyone using the global warming category, except Maxx and Kano?>>

Wait, is this an indirect admission that you and Maxx are in fact the same person? I am confused now Sage, please enlighten me

<<...and no one reads his answers.>>

I do.

<< I have never blocked anyone. Isn't getting even rather childish?>>

If you want a clean and healthy debate then, yes, it is rather childish. But if all one wants to do is avoid reading unsourced and more often than not wrongly attributed quotes and be compared to one of the worst nazis in history ("when you psychopaths have to use sock puppets you have clearly shown yourselves to be Goebbels' disciples" statement by you on the very issue of blocking about 4 months ago), then it at least assures some minimal standards of quality within the answers of one question.

The best of course is not blocking at all and not comparing anyone with a different opinion than yours to Nazis.



Edit @ Sage:


Then why name your question "Why is it, I am not allowed?" if this is about an entirely different person?


I never stated such thing. How you can reach that lunatic conclusion is beyond me (but then again, your logic appears to be inexistent most of the time).

You, sir, have this annoying and extremely childish tendency to label anyone on the other side of the debate as a Nazi. a Nazi lover, claim Hitler for sure would have been 'a greenie' and paste your favourite Goebbels' quote in almost every 'answer' your provide.

I too have relatives who fell victims to the Nazi regime. Shot because they dared to speak out, interogated (no Miranda rights back then, no Geneva conventions either) at length over things said and opinions held. The ones who managed to survive to this day are traumatized.

Your continuous use of Nazi comparisons shows how extremely ignorant you are about history and how desperate your anti AGW arguments are becoming.

Edit @ Sage 2:

The irony is that your much repeated Goebbels quote was actually not said by Goebbels. It could have been, but there is no historical evidence for it whatsoever. That you use it nonetheless is not only ironic considering the context of the quote, it is also illustrative of how much of a skeptic you are. I've shown you in the past that the quote is wrongly attributed yet you continue to use it thereby showing that you simply cannot accept (historical) facts which you dislike. The same is true for any other scientific fact, I am afraid.

Sagebrush lies (surprise, surprise) when he says "I have never blocked anyone."

He obviously has lifted his block on me now because I am able to expose his lie by posting here in answer to this silly question, but he lifted his block only recently, after his hypocrisy in copying a bunch of my questions (which is a violation of the site rules) under the excuse that I block him and other deniers (which is entirely allowed under the site rules) became obvious: complaining that I block him, while he was blocking me. Nice that he is less of a hypocrite than most politicians in Washington (a lowball goal if ever there was one), but he is still lying here, and not for the first time. A very very high bar goal, but I'd be impressed if it were reached, would be to say that I WOULD be ready to unblock him as soon as he stops lying about basic science on this site.

Speaking of egregious anti-science liars, "geologist" JimZ's definition of "socialist" or "leftist" is anyone who disagrees with his Soviet Russian Nitwit professor's crackpot nonsense about abiotic oil.

JeffEngr is a dupe, not a liar, but he leaps to a wrong conclusion here. I have never used more than one account here. Never. Not once. I have violated the rule against posting questions that are not questions (who here hasn't?), but I've not used multiple accounts. I don't even know how to do it. I think Jeff is right that there is at least one person of the non-denier persuasion who does use multiple aliases, but it isn't me. I HAVE been a victim of having had scores of my questions and answers removed, many of which violated absolutely no rules whatsoever, and I have good reason to believe that the people abusing the system against me (and many other pro-science posters) that way used multiple accounts. I think, however, that I am on safe ground in asserting that it is a small minority of ANY viewpoint that cheats in that way. I long suspected, and did for a time accuse, Sagebrush of being part of that minority, because his answers looked so similar to other posters, but I realize now that I was probably wrong about that, that this extreme resemblance was almost surely a function of the herd mentality of anti-science dupes, not multiple alias cheating.

Kano is incorrect here. I posed my question (for "everyone except" Maxx and him not because he blocked me, but as an indirect way of exposing his misusing the system by asking an earlier question "just for Maxx"). It seems he has since withdrawn that question (at least I can't find it any more).

I can't really say that Jerry is a liar, because he is obviously too ignorant to realize how stupid the lies are that he's been brainwashed with and repeats ape-like. Despite the brainwashing, he seems to be a nice guy, which is rare here.

U.S. National Academy of Sciences, 2010:


“Climate change is occurring, is caused largely by human activities, and poses significant risks for a broad range of human and natural systems.”


“Choices made now about carbon dioxide emissions reductions will affect climate change impacts experienced not just over the next few decades but also in coming centuries and millennia…Because CO2 in the atmosphere is long lived, it can effectively lock the Earth and future generations into a range of impacts, some of which could become very severe.”


“The Academy membership is composed of approximately 2,100 members and 380 foreign associates, of whom nearly 200 have won Nobel Prizes. Members and foreign associates of the Academy are elected in recognition of their distinguished and continuing achievements in original research; election to the Academy is considered one of the highest honors that can be accorded a scientist or engineer.”

Sage do you have dook blocked Just wondering although I didn't used to, I now block anyone who blocks me so I know not to waste my time clicking the question

*** Honestly blocking me for replying with credible info is much more childish. I just don't don't need to waste my time with fools You and I clearly go after one another but blocking you wouldn't solve anything and good banter is good banter Eventually you will see I'm right :)

I am also blocked by dork. I consider it an honor to be blocked by the likes of him.

He rants, he raves and he has at least 6 alts. I know this because I get 6 thumbs down shortly after he posts on the same messages I do. I mean within a few minutes. When he does not post my thumbs down are generally much more limited.

Boo-hoo Sage, we were not invited to the party ---

Because your opinion is useless and we have the option to not allow you the chance to try and spread your BS

dook doesn't have me blocked because he loves to read my answers because deep down he knows I'm right on just about everything

He cherry-picks his answerers, that way he only gets answers he likes.

The reason he posted the question Is I have him blocked (he's the only one) so he didn't know what I was talking about. and he is a bit paranoid schizophrenic LOL

Question for everyone using the global warming category, except Maxx and Kano?

The Dork posted this question and yet he has me blocked.

Maybe a better question would be: Why is the Dork even on this site? He doesn't let just anyone answer his questions and no one reads his answers.

People tend to block imbeciles, and you and Jim Z certainly qualify.