> Climate change it cant be the sun can it?

Climate change it cant be the sun can it?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 

"400 ppm is passed the point of no return , the earth will go into an irreversible , permanent greenhouse effect" ROTFL!! Is this what they are teaching people in public education these days? What about the last several times CO2 went above 400PPM? The Eocene Epoch had CO2 levels of over 1000 PPM so what the hell happened with that runaway greenhouse catastrophe?

Sun drives all climate on earth. Without the sun the earth would have no climate.

Are you still claiming 1998 was during a solar maximum.

So now you have more nonsense for hocketschtick, with graphs like this


Gee what happened to your little ice age, which didn't end till ~1850, you seem to have forgotten that theory as you push this one, but then denier have so many theories to try and remember.

The graph by the way only shows sun spot numbers and 2010 saw the warmest temp in the modern record at the end of an extended low in sunspot numbers, your graph actually shows that sunspot numbers dropped (as temps rose) through the last three solar cycles but I guess you and your blog are ignoring that.

1998 by the way was not at the peak of a solar cycle but closer to the minimum


Yet it was also a very warm year, deniers keep trying to play points like these and all you really do is reveal your own inability to face the facts.

No. If it was caused by the sun then days would warm more than nights and but instead nights are warming more than days. If it was caused by the sun, the the stratosphere would be warming but it is cooling. The increase in redirected infrared radiation returned to the surface has been measured and identified by specific greenhouse gas. The increased energy at the earth's surface is infrared, it is not sunlight.

Furthermore sea levels continue to rise and the oceans are where 90% of warming goes. The rise is because the water is warming.

Your link is based on utter ignorance of the basic observations that must be explained. It is utter nonsense. Once more it is shown that climate change deniers are science-ignorant. What is so wrong about learning about what is already known so that you don't waste your time on fake sites?

Those interested in real science can read from The Royal Society.


Come on, really now.

"It's been cooling for 17 years."

"The sun is why it's warming."

Get real. Who's believable?


national science academies of all the industrialized countries.

yes , the sun is part of it . without the sun , earth would freeze solid in a few days . with the sun and atmospheric CO2 hitting 400 ppm the sun's heat is trapped and builds up . 400 ppm is passed the point of no return , the earth will go into an irreversible , permanent greenhouse effect . it will happen pretty fast . by 2023 , after 5 years of worldwide crop failures , food will be made from people . by the 2030s the seas will boil off into space and humanity turns to dust . money won't help , the secret government bunkers won't help , the deniers die too .

see you on the other side .

No. Scientists have (repeatedly) checked solar output variations against global warm dataing and the sun does not account fo rthe amount of change.

The whole "skeptics" assertions to the contrary is what people with educations call an "ad hoc" argument, meaning an unfounded claim or explanation advanced to try to salvage a failed idea. It's employed only by those who have nothing to back up their position and know it.

dave...it is a shame you don't know jack about AGW and kano..I would guess you have seen at least a couple dozen posts telling you it isn't the sun and why you keep linking to these bullsh*t denier blogs when you know they don't present any real science, amazes me You are like the rat that keeps going to the electric shack instead of learning from it's mistakes Sad really The sun was scientifically ruled out more than 10 years ago and anyone with even a smidgen of scientific understanding would know that

The sun only has a small impact in climate. Atmospheric gases have the most impact. The sun doesnt warm Earth, co2 does.

No. get a link tat works for stratosphere. as

far as i see it is cooling.. but the again 'they' are faking all the data



>>The Sun and solar amplification mechanisms are dismissed as a cause because sunspots peaked around 1960, even though sunspots remained at relatively high levels, considered as the solar grand maximum of the late 20th century.<<\

Wrong - they are dismissed because that is the first thing that scientists considered and the first thing they tested - thousands of times by thousands of scientists - and the first thing that failed every one of their thousands of tests to determine if it was the cause.


No, it can't.


