> Is "extreme weather" the cause of disappearing glaciers, rising sea levels, spreading deserts...?

Is "extreme weather" the cause of disappearing glaciers, rising sea levels, spreading deserts...?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
most intelligent skeptics have been blocked by Dork, so answer here

This is the answer that I gave to Dook -

The best answer I can give you on this is it would depend on the intensity, duration and coverage areas of the extreme weather. One thing is certain. A warming climate is conducive to producing more extreme weather. Climate drives the weather and weather does not drive the climate.

The ozone is deteriorating and causing extreme weather and disappearing of glaciers and etc.

No, extreme weather is caused by changes in the jet stream.

This isn't a forum. Perhaps you should realize that, just as others who continue to call him 'dork' and repost his questions should.

most intelligent skeptics have been blocked by Dork, so answer here