> What factors influence people to embrace technological change?

What factors influence people to embrace technological change?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Several (I studied history and sociology of technology in grad school, for what it's worth).

>culture: if the society holds innovation as a cultural value, most people tend to accept new technology.

>individual freedom (especially economic freedom) New technology is disruptive. Existing interests will tend to suppress innovations unless individuals and competitors are permitted to introduce changes without interferance.

>personal interest -- some people just like new gadgets

>perceived benefits (usefulness). This need not be real -- a lot of the "new and improved" products we embrace aren't really better, just novel.

>profit. Self explanatory

>necessity: there are situations when innovation can solve critical problems that existing technology can't deal with. The development of new vaccines for Ebola going on right now is a good example.

>curiosity -- (especially engineer types) learning how things work and how to make them work better is interesting and challenging to many people..

useability, life is so much easier with cell phones PC's and the internet, air travel and so on, how can you imagine people not wanting them.

peer pressure, you got to keep up with the jones

Great robot sex.