> Okay. Some 10,000 or so folks are attending the Climate Convention in Lima, Peru....Why?

Okay. Some 10,000 or so folks are attending the Climate Convention in Lima, Peru....Why?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Because I'm sure they will have really good food and drink --- and great entertainment too. And of course it's FREE for them. Me and you and the rest of the taxpayers are picking up the tab, just like we've been doing for the last 30 years of this SCAM.


" will these hypocritical antics be condemned and prosecuted??" of course not they have all the media backing them saying how important it all is, how it is vital to Earth survival and other nonsense.

However wouldn't you jump at a chance to have a paid holiday in Lima (I would) I am sure they are trying to work out how to fit in a few more climate conventions, it doesn't matter if they don't achieve anything it is fun jetsetting around the world.

The global warming crowd is not a laughingstock. I have no clue where you got that notion. The people who deny climate change are the ones known universally as clowns.

Nevertheless, I don't disagree with your overall point. And I see no reason for tens of thousands of people to attend a convention about an easily accessible subject when a large number of them won't actively do anything to stop global warming.

It's a great party with tons of great food.

And who, exactly is saying that we should not fly at all?

We need to use less hydrocarbons, but only anti-pipeline advocates and anti-nuclear advocates need to use zero, until alternatives are online.

their total emmisions is less than one coal power plant. get real.

attacking the messengers is not changing the science.

Are these folks so clueless as to think that this is not contributing enormous amounts of their dreaded CO2??

This is the sort of behavior that has made the Catastrophic, Man-made, Global Warming crowd to be a laughing stock.

And I'll bet that they aren't staying in $19.00 per night hotels and eating Ramen Noodles, either.

Have they no shame?

Any guess as to how much jet fuel this party is going to burn?

When will these hypocritical antics be condemned and prosecuted??