> Is it best to change your view/opinion just to have more thumbs up and seem to be mainstream with the other Lemmings?

Is it best to change your view/opinion just to have more thumbs up and seem to be mainstream with the other Lemmings?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Lemmings do not periodically hurl themselves off cliffs and into the sea.

Read more at http://www.snopes.com/disney/films/lemmi...

People are not becoming anti freedom and anti individual rights, for example would you rather be black, a woman or a gay now or sometime in the past? Saying people are losing their rights is just scaremongering.

Is this a global warming question?

I would say, if you know what you're talking about, then stick to your guns. But, for most subjects, chances are you don't know what you're talking about! Have an opinion, by all means, but be honest with yourself and be prepared to defer to the experts.

Know your limits!

Believe it or not, most alarmists actually think they are members of an elite group of believers. They are the saviors of our planet. Furious Unicorn is one of those. His political ideology has been force on the rest of us so he thinks things are great. One day he may wake up and find things have changed. When you have a government that is out of control and acting outside its boundaries, everyone suffers, even furious unicorns.

Only if the number of points you get is the main reason you answer questions on Y!A. The new rules foster this kind of thinking. OTOH, if disseminating information is your aim, don't change. (I guess that's why I get reported so often.)

It's the denialists who are the lemmings. They swallow everything the see on Faux News and denialist blogs.

I thought we took part for fun. Take that away and you may as well close Q & A down. I am no Lemming, I speak my mind.

To Furious Unicorn:

Did you really intend your question to apply to global warming?

If not, what category did you think you were posting it in?

If you did, did you want to be more specific about what you were asking?

do what you want as long as others arent victimized

no. maybe lemmings from wuwt need this
