> What are the saviors of the earth so worried about, being that Republicans are in control of the US House and Senate?

What are the saviors of the earth so worried about, being that Republicans are in control of the US House and Senate?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Peg can't help but stand behind wacko leftist Obama because wacko leftists are birds of a feather. If Peg had any knowledge in the slightest about politics, he would know that the House has passed many bills that were bottled up in the Senate. His beloved Obama will get a chance now to "pass" legislation rather than pretending he is the leader of a banana republic and creating legislation and judging it now that scumbag Harry Reid is heading for minority status. S, with a president like Obama, it should come as a surprise to noone except maybe Peg, that the US is in decline but we get rid of him, I am confident we can turn the ship around if we can manage to fix the things that he has accomplished (to use Peg's word).

Yes, they've been so effective while in control of the house. How many bills have they passed? Oh that's right, Boehner doesn't allow votes to be taken on bills unless they're ones that won't go anywhere, like the ones to repeal Obamacare. They have had lot of hearings, though, and those hearings have accomplished...well nothing, actually, but they sure look good on Fox News.

Oh, and they also shut down the government, and threatened to make the U.S. default on its debts, like Argentina and Greece. Yes, THAT was a brilliant strategy that cost the government millions of dollars and made the U.S. a laughingstock around the world.

Now they're trying to sue the President because he's actually trying to accomplish things that they're too scared to take on on their own, for fear of losing primaries when their whackadoodle constitutency deserts them.

The House's motto should be "We're inept and can't accomplish anything, so neither should anyone else."


One might note that since the democrats took control of the Calif legislature, we've come closer to a balanced budget than has been the case in decades, when republicans voted to prevent that from happening.

Obama can screw up plenty without Congress. He can hold up permits for new power plants and oil exploration. He can drive coal fired power plants out of business using the EPA. He can shuffle money around and spend it on things it was never intended for. He can choose not to enforce existing laws, or even write new ones using executive order. Some rightwing crackpots my think the last actions are unconstitutional, but, well, you know... The are creationist, denier, crackpots clinging to their guns and religion.

not worried. the usa is losing it's status as world leader anyway. americans wonder why others don't like them. add that to the long list....

Hopefully they will make a difference and not continue to be "Democrat Lite"

the usa is in decline, few care.