> Volcanoes adding 600 million tonnes of CO2?

Volcanoes adding 600 million tonnes of CO2?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 

It seems that the Earth has been releasing more CO2 than science thought.

If their study holds up then is means human activity only outputs about 58 times more CO2 than volcanoes. An older Geophysical Union's Eos article (June 2011) put human emissions somewhere between 80 to 270 times larger than volcanic emissions. http://volcanoes.usgs.gov/hazards/gas/cl...

So I'm not surprised that the Warmist estimate was way overblown in favor of their agenda just like all of their estimates have been.

But the fact is, it doesn't' matter. CO2 is not the driver of climate, the Sun is.

Graphs showing that CO2 does NOT drive Temperature


We know what caused the small amount of warming over the last several decades, it was this:

Total Solar Irradiance (TSI) since 1611


It's no mere coincidence that the Little Ice Age happened at the same time as the Maunder Minimum. http://science1.nasa.gov/science-news/sc...

So volcanoes can make all the CO2 they want and so can people. CO2 is not driving temperatures.

Top climate scientists say there is no man-made Global Warming.

The Great Global Warming Swindle

Human activities, responsible for a projected 35 BILLION metric tons (gigatons) of CO2 emissions in 2010

anthropogenic CO2 emission for 2010 is about 80 to 270 times larger than the respective maximum and minimum annual global volcanic CO2 emission estimates

Nothing you can do about it no matter what the figure. What we have been doing is paving over paradise. Killing of vegtation which thrives off of CO2 Not just our forests or the rain forests, but the plankton in the sea absorbs much of that CO2. We dump tons of sewage into the sea and create dead zones where nothing grows. We got to change our ways cause the plants make oxygen for animal life to survive. Plants were here first. Killing off of plant life is going to kill us.

But it still does not come close to the amount we emit. Regardless am not sure that it makes a huge amount of difference anymore.

I do not think that volcanos release co2.

The reason why earth is "releasing" co2 it may be that we are cutting more trees than ever today


It seems that the Earth has been releasing more CO2 than science thought.