> The social benefit of CO2?

The social benefit of CO2?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
$3.5 trillion in agricultural productivity.


Yes, as I've posted many times before:

Bumper crops WORLDWIDE has been the result of the slightly warmer weather along with the CO2 enriched atmosphere. Of course the advocates of man-made Global Warming try to deny this fact, but the evidence is overwhelming.

Low food prices and repeated bumper crops worldwide (2000)


Four consecutive years of bumper crops worldwide (2000)


2007 U.S. Corn Crop Predicted Largest in History


Predicting a record wheat crop worldwide (2008)


Historical Increase In Corn Yield (2009)


Rice growers headed for strong yields in 2009


Argentina's Bumper Crop of Corn (2010)


Global rice production set to hit record in 2011-2012


Stupendous IPCC Prediction Failure: Global Warming Will Cause Crop Failure & Starvation --- BUT WHAT ARE THE FACTS --- charts clearly demonstrate the agricultural abundance that "global warming" has delivered


Many Bumper crops reported worldwide, while Warmists try to say crops are failing


With warmer weather, increased CO2 and plentiful rainfall, one would expect a dramatic increase in food production and that is exactly what has happened.

But of course Warmists are crestfallen over this fact because their narrative does not allow any good news in connection to their catastrophic man-made Global Warming scam.

But the social and economic benefits of these conditions have been overwhelming. We will miss global warming when it's gone.


That benefit is 90 % the result of technology - which costs money - and therefore inflates grocery prices. If we were talking only about increased efficiency, individual plant yields would also be increasing. However, that is not the case. We are improving overall yield despite reduced plant yield in some agricultural species.

Whether our technological war against climate change is sustainable is problematic. Consumers are going pay (literally) one way or another.


Yes so all this talk of higher food prices 2007 onwards leading to social unrest in the ME and elsewhere is just a communist plot?

And all the data coming out of the UN and IMF about no prospects in sight for lower food prices as crops continue to fail is just more conspiracy?

Come up with some real data referenced to real impartial sources. Sorry for you, much as I think groups like the IMF are not so bright, I would still trust their data more than yours. Even more so UN and other world bodies. You see I don't buy into your OWG BS.

If CO2 is the great stimulant for plants ( anyone doing high school biology understands what a silly proposition that is) then why do levels increase so predictably? Why aren't plants stimulated enough to absorb the increasing CO2 ?

Plants also need water.


Only slightly less. They need water for photosynthesis.

$3.5 trillion in agricultural productivity.
