> Does this fit the denier?

Does this fit the denier?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Is this a fitting accusation: Prince Charles Calls Deniers 'Headless Chicken Brigade'

When it was mainly the likes of Seitz and Singer and Lindzen, denial was sophisticated, and through the 1990s still a had smidgen of genuine skepticism mixed in. Even today, I wouldn't apply "Headless Chicken Brigade" to Inhofe, let alone Wattsup, Mockingtone or Lombog. It sounds, however, quite apt as a description of YA regular deniers Sagebrush, Maxx, Flossie, etc.

As a good American, I really despise the concept of nobility. Prince Charles is someone that hasn't lived in the real world. He has had everything provided for him and what ever happened to despising the rich and those who got what they got by taking from the poor. If ever there was a case for that, it would be the nobility. I am not surprised alarmists bow to his whims but I could care less what he thinks.

Using atmospheric CO2 increases of 40% that caused a 0.25C temperature rise over 133 years to justify a catastrophic end to humanity is what many people were alarmed about. The original thought that the extra CO2 caused "all" of the warming (0.8C) has since been curtailed and it has been found that humans only contributed not more than 35% of the total warming in 133 years, hence the 0.25C figure.

Being a denier only means that we know that human use of fossil fuels isn't "catastrophic" and doesn't cause a "multiplied-runaway-global-warming" effect as has been suggested by your ELITE CLIMATOLOGISTS.

It's Prince Charles and all the Climate Cultists that are running around like Headless Chickens. The skeptics are not the slightest bit worried about man-made Global Warming because we know it's not happening.

It's been cooling for at least 12 years.


Top climate scientists say there is no man-made Global Warming.

The Great Global Warming Swindle

Prince Charles makes Al Gore look like Albert Einstein.

LOL, If I were a pure warmer who believed the models, I would still find the action of quoting Prince Charles to be worthy of ridicule.

I would, however, love to know what Justin Bieber has to say about the issue.

Don't be too hard on HRH. He hardly lives in the real YA world. I think he has fallen in with a bad crowd. He has been fed a lot of BS on green crap and is very disadvantaged because of it.

I kind of draw a distinction between skeptics and denialists.

For the ones I call denialists? Yeah, pretty much...

I believe in leadership by example and to date the leaders, of the excess CO2 is causing bad things, actions are inconsistent with that belief.

Kind of like a crack head politician patting himself on the back for new legislation too put an end to drug use.

Ha! Ha! Charlie is still fuming that we kicked their derrieres over two hundred years ago. They even had to hire Prussians and Hessians to fight for them because they were too busy powdering their faces and wearing wigs. Heavens forbid, that they would get their fancy stockings dirty, or worse, a run in them. They were the ones floundering around like a bunch of chickens with their heads cut off. Ha! Ha!

When Queen Elizabeth had her coronation England was too poor, so the US had to lend England several million dollars. Who bailed out England during WWI? Who bailed out England during WW2? Just ask the poor subjects in the UK how expensive their heating bills are, all because of this fool and his lack of intelligence. Why did people freeze to death under this man's watch in the UK because they couldn't pay their heating bills. Where was Charlie?

It is he who is unquestionably floundering.

And you, C, who didn't know that the earth was hotter before Al Gore. Ha! Ha! Then you called us dodos. Ha! Ha! then to top that off you claim Kano is out of ammunition. Ha! Ha! You are not even embarrassed that you made that statement about true scientists being dodos when you were making a claim that was proven you were wrong. Ha! Ha!

It is not our side of the issue who are moving the goal posts every few months. It is not our side who is raising taxes without proof. It is not our side that is subjecting men to tyrannical laws. It is not our side that got caught with one's pants down claiming the 2008 was the hottest year globally. And to top it off, you are obviously not in the least bit embarrassed. Because it takes intelligence and integrity to be embarrassed. Ha! Ha!

Is this a fitting accusation: Prince Charles Calls Deniers 'Headless Chicken Brigade'

I think you fit the term denier perfectly.

Although you are the only alarmist that admits that AGW is a non falsifiable theory. I applaud you for that.

That is about all that left for warmers NAME CALLING whatever happened to evidence and facts?

kano --

>>whatever happened to evidence and facts<<

Nothing happened to them. Denying their existence does not change their reality..