> Does it bother warmists that the targets of divestment are fossil fuels and Israel?

Does it bother warmists that the targets of divestment are fossil fuels and Israel?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
These are considered the twin evils in the world by the Left activists.

I am a little confused by the question. Since they typically hate Israel (often pretending not to) and fossil fuels, I don't see why it would bother them? (or are you rubbing it in)? Israel is the only country in the Middle East that has basic freedoms and is the most dependable alley to the US so it stands to reason that leftists like Obama wouldn't like them much.

Israel has no fossil fuel reserves to speak of.

If you are bound and determined for whatever asinine reason to bring Israel into the global warming issue, by FAR the closest parallel is between climate science deniers and Holocaust deniers.

The first have a huge anti-science grab bag of myths and fables about climate change,

the second a long-repeated grab-bag of anti-semitic frauds and parlor tricks.

Both rely on fear and ignorance.

One LIES ABOUT the SCIENCE which shows that the biggest industry of the industrial era is fundamentally connected to wrecking the global climate.

The other LIES ABOUT the HISTORY showing why anti-semitism will forever be linked to mass murder on a colossal scale.

No. concerning Israel:


Concerning global warming, it's real. It's getting worse. It's going to be more expensive to address in the future. The fossil fuel's funding of stupid is clearly sufficient cause.

Edit: 3 thumbs down. global warming? Israel?

Maybe I should address Israel, since my AGW stance is pretty consistent.

I'm not saying that Israel doesn't have a problem.

They have a huge problem.

But the inordinate discrepancy in the number of children killed isn't helping their cause. If they had a plan to continue to fuel that fire, they'd be doing exactly the same thing. As I said, they have a serious problem, however, their actions aren't helping their cause.

I have no idea of what your rant is about.

It is worth pointing out that Israel has been developing a national plan to mitigate climate change. That is one more country moving ahead of the U.S. in this century. It is really our loss that we are not following Isreal's lead.


What does Israel have to do with global warming?

Why are deniers always so logic impaired?

Israel is very naughty towards Palestinians.

Not every realist is a leftist. Have you ever heard of conservatives? Conservatives respect science and extremist nut jobs reject science.

Most "warmists" support Israel's right to exist.

These are considered the twin evils in the world by the Left activists.