> Is controlling population growth necessarily a cure for global warming?

Is controlling population growth necessarily a cure for global warming?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
The Earth has been cooling for over a decade. All that while the Earth's population as increased substantially. To anyone with a truly scientific mind, that would debunk any correlation between the earth's temperature and the earth's population.


No. Climatologists are saying that we need to reduce emissions by 80% by 2050. Even if we could stop everyone from having any children, we would not reach such a goal but controlling population. Unless someone wanted to commit mass murder, but if we wanted people to die, why not just let Earth warm?

The way to stop global warming is to use zero emission energy sources, such as solar, wind and nuclear power. Wasting less energy will also help.

It can be, I don't think controlling population can cure global warming. I feel destroying trees, not enough recycling, oil, cars, radiation is destroying these world. Its winter in bay area rite now. Were in a draft it hasn't rained and it is so hot rite now everybody is still wearing shorts.

Not necessarily. But it would still be a good idea.

NO and emissions and deniers are the problems. Emissions contribute to GW and deniers influence others not to act to reduce emissions

No, but it is part of the green religious agenda, so they will claim the answer is yes.

You never know, but why not, in case it helps.