> What are greenhouse gases?

What are greenhouse gases?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
A smog

B Eco friendly fuel

C heat trapped gases

D gas emitted by industries

C, though I think they mean heattrapping

None of those are really correct, but "C" is probably what your teacher is looking for.

Heat cannot be 'trapped' - it can only be delayed.

The correct definition of a greenhouse gas is any gas that absorbs infrared. Water vapor is by far the most powerful greenhouse gas... not CO2.

Suggest you watch these:

Top climate scientists say there is no man-made Global Warming.

The Great Global Warming Swindle


When you see scary Global Warming propaganda you see lines of smoke stacks belching out what looks like horrible pollution of one sort or another but the vast majority if not all in any given video is just steam.

Just like steam from your shower, steam from boiling pasta or steam from water evaporating off your driveway.

Steam from water is the major portion of greenhouse gases in contention. CO2 is another. Keep in mind when there is plenty of CO2 in the air the plants love it and produce more oxygen. Funny how nature works.

OMG if you need help with this question, you need to catch up with elementary school science


Enhanced greenhouse gases, are the gases we emit into the atmosphere which have caused and compound global warming/climate change

A smog

B Eco friendly fuel

C heat trapped gases

D gas emitted by industries