> $468 million more on a Climate Change/Global Warming mission? Is science saying they just don't know as skeptics hav

$468 million more on a Climate Change/Global Warming mission? Is science saying they just don't know as skeptics hav

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Yes. This type of satellite failed on two previous occasions. I hope they get it right this time. Even though the mission is bogus, since it has been proven by Mother Earth herself, that Carbon has virtually no affect on the Earth's temperature, I wish it goes well and maybe we can get on with the truth.

Just look at linlyons, "What we would like to know is the current pace of warming, and whether it's changing." Ha! Ha! So you admit that all that 0.8C crap is just made up.

Also look at this:


The earth hasn't warmed in over a decade. That cost me far less to bring this information to you than the $500,000,000 that they are spending.

Really the satellite will gather this kind of data as stated by one of NASA's scientists. The new device is "designed to study the main driver of climate change emitted from smokestacks and tailpipes."

Why would scientists - or any rational person - listen to advocates of a political agenda based on paranoia and lies that denies science and promotes scientific illiteracy?


Edit –

>>a great point Sage! They are still looking for "proof" and clearly state it in this article.<<

Maybe in Idiotsville it is a great point, but here on planet earth it is stupid, wrong, and a lie.

(1) There is no counting the number of times Mr. Sagebrainless “True” Scientist has been told that there is no such thing as proof in science. In addition to scientific illiteracy, he seems to have a learning disability, as well.

(2) The article does not state at all – let alone clearly – that any proof is being sought. I quote, “The $468 million mission is designed to study the main driver of climate change emitted from smokestacks and tailpipes.”

In case you do not understand English any better than you do science, I’ll translate – They are studying something that exists and is the main driver of climate change – and that thing is CO2.

(3) Not only are they not trying to prove AGW is real – no one else is either. Furthermore, I challenge you nitwits to find $1.00 of government research money being offered to determine if AGW is real. There isn’t any – for the same reason there is no research money to prove that germs can cause disease or that lightening is electricity.

If they finally get one up & operational it will only establish a base line or zero point for future reference.

Since the popular consensus claims it takes a minimum 30 year period to rise above the background noise it will be around the year 2050 before any definite change can be detected.

So don't try to hold your breath while waiting for results.

To people living in the year 2050 the archaic buzz words "global warming" or"AGW" will be as forgotten & meaningless as the terms "23 skidoo" or "hotfoot floozie with the floy floy" are to us today.

this program probably incorperates a huge magnifing glass intended on heating the earth just so thet can say "we told you so" if i had an unlimited budget i WOULD prove the moon is made of green cheese and 60 years ago that was commonplace since that time we've ruined the planet? how many billions of gallons of rocket fuel have been utilized to prove of a man made catastrophy ?the earth has been expelling sulfer dioxcide carbon monoxide since the dawn of time and in 200 years we f'..k..d it up? cmon fella's get real we the sheep would panic so stop lying to us

Oh, I can assure you we know what skeptics have been saying.

Despite that, evolution is real.

The earth is not flat.

The earth is not warming because it's coming out of an ice age.

The earth is not about to cool because of the coming ice age.

The sun is not getting hotter.

The polar vortex this past winter is not a sign of cooling, or an indication that warming has stopped.

What we would like to know is the current pace of warming, and whether it's changing.

We would like to know whether there area areas that are absorbing more or less heat and CO2.

We would like to know if something critical, like a methane release, is eminent, or happening.

In other words, rather than close our eyes, we'd like to know what's really going on.

Why do the AGW Alarmists keep spending hard-earned Taxpayer $$Billions every year to study something that they claim is SETTLED SCIENCE??

Is it that hard to find a job that is not supported by Welfare??

Just what is going on ion your head?

No. As real scientists, and not conservative talk show hosts, they continue the investigation for more information


" ... "This will allow us to understand what processes are controlling how much carbon is absorbed in a given time and place," Anna Michalak, a scientist at the Carnegie Institution for Science who is not part of the mission, said in an email.

The mission, designed to last two years, could provide data that will help scientists making predictions about future carbon dioxide levels and their impact. ... "

" ... "It's really the fate of carbon dioxide once it's in the atmosphere that we're trying to really put our finger on," project scientist Michael Gunson of the NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory said during a recent pre-launch news conference. ... "

" ... After a six- or seven-week shakedown, the satellite's lone instrument, a high-resolution spectrometer, will begin its mission of scanning the Earth. Once in polar orbit 438 miles high, the satellite will circle Earth every 100 minutes. It will measure carbon dioxide levels by looking at the intensity of sunlight reflected from the presence of CO2 in a column of air.

NASA hopes to begin making the data available for free to anyone beginning early next year. ... "