> Can denier dupes do 7th grade math?

Can denier dupes do 7th grade math?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
I think she's probably in school or just out, and not had much science.

I think that what happens is that AGW deniers scare such by saying that the IPCC says that the ocean is going to rise several feet in the next few years.

Then in the next breath they say that the IPCC said that 5-10-20 years ago and nothing has happened.

If you just stumbled in out of the cold, and didn't know what google was for, you wouldn't know what to think.

And you'd be pretty easily swayed by such crud.

There are many people who cannot do maths. Some will upset you and some will be your friends.

"Krystyna" is possibly really James or Sagebrush.

What does math have to do with the mainstream media making up Global Warming?

Case in point:

"Krystyna", joined in February, now with the massive total of 6 (not viewable) answers, but who has me immediately and pre-emptively blocked, posts this "question":

"Are we facing impending doom??? What does this mean for us!?"


with this link


probably not coincidentally similar to Wattsup's feature on this yesterday


but cannot be bothered, or cannot DO, the basic arithmetic, to figure out how "impending" 0.45 mm of sea level rise per year is.