> Lying about climate change?

Lying about climate change?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Have there been any elected officials who have recently lied about climate change that think it's still a hoax?

There are lots of 'em.

Just turn to foxnews - that's pretty much what you see.

However, if you look at it from their point of view, most of them come from either poor, or fossil fuel mining states.

If the economy of your state depends on mining / drilling for coal / oil, and your political position is that the government should prevent doing that, are you going to get elected?

If you're in a relatively poor state, and you say that the tax on gasoline should be $2-3-4 a gallon, are you going to get elected?

If you run a small diner, and your patrons are miners, are you going to vote for a politician who wants to put them out of work?

This is not to say that it's not a problem.

However, there are folks in many places that would be ex-politicians if they said that.

Then there are, of course, folks like BobB, JimZ, Kano, Maxx, Ottawa Mike, Zippi, James, Sagebrush, Ian, etc.

One really doesn't know what motivates them.

Edit: First, I might point out that in the main part of the post, I provided considerable cover for the politicians in question. I did mention that there were a few folks who don't seem to have as much justification to be as opposed to AGW as they are. As is often the case, one denier only read the smaller section of what I wrote, and flew off the handle.

Jim Z "Linlyons provides good evidence that AGW is all about politics."

Well, in America today, that is true. Interestingly, in most of the world, it's not.

It's accepted science.

"If you are an extreme leftist like him, you are going to have a better chance of buying into the humans are destroying the planet tirade."

There are 2 things here.

1) We all know that university towns tend to be liberal. To some degree, the better the university, the more liberal. SO, putting the horse before the cart, as it should be, if you understand science, and don't get your news from the likes of faux-lies, you're more likely to regard global warming as a manmade problem.

2) Concerning "humans are destroying the planet", I think it was on the PBS newshour that I heard that if AGW continues, it's possible that half of all extant species will become extinct. I might point out that I don't use that terminology - I just copied what JimZ posted.

"Obama lied. He said he would lower the seas if he could get the gullible to vote for him."

You well know that Obama never said that. Obama never said 90% of what the people who just can't stand having someone smart enough to have been president of the Harvard Law Review, and also be liberal, and president, accuse him of having said.

"I wonder why people like you don't mind being lied to and a made a fool of."

I rather expect that you like the company you keep.

As opposed to .... well, you know.

Linlyons provides good evidence that AGW is all about politics. If you are an extreme leftist like him, you are going to have a better chance of buying into the humans are destroying the planet tirade. Obama lied. He said he would lower the seas if he could get the gullible to vote for him. I wonder why people like you don't mind being lied to and a made a fool of.

The liars are on the Alarmist's side. There is no man-made Global Warming.

It's been cooling for at least 12 years.


Top climate scientists say there is no man-made Global Warming.

The Great Global Warming Swindle

being wrong isn't necessarily 'lying'

and there are a lot of wrong people here

they don't realize that they are wrong

The Latest ‘Cosmos’ Explains How Corporations Fund Science Denialhttp://billmoyers.com/2014/04/22/the-lat...

"Climate change" is not a hoax -- it's a multi-trillion dollar scam.

They all lie about it, all the time, look at this ridiculous statement by senator Kerry, do you really think he believes what he is saying http://r.search.yahoo.com/_ylt=A0SO80NpD...

Fox news is pro denier and all the actual lies and misrepresentations come from the denier industry

it is truly sad the deniers here don't know jack about AGW

Have there been any elected officials who have recently lied about climate change that think it's still a hoax?