> When do you think Arctic sea ice will dissapear?

When do you think Arctic sea ice will dissapear?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
I am going to predict it will happen sometime before the sun turns into a red giant and I will go out on a limb and predict that continents will migrate before then so that there is no longer an "ice trap" there. My money is on 5,137,214 years from now but I could be mistaken.

Natural variations within the climate could slow or further accelerate the loss of sea ice in the Arctic. As rapidly as the Arctic sea ice is decaying now then we could see a nearly complete melt out during the melt season of 2016. Everything would have to come into place for this happen, but it cannot be ruled out at this time. The sea ice rebounds considerably in extent during the following freeze season, but this is thin, first year ice that is subject to fast reduction during the following melt season. I would give a best guess to a complete loss of Arctic sea ice during the next strong and prolonged El Nino, as to whenever that may be.

Not this century, and we are talking about summer ice, to prevent winter ice it would take some cataclysmic event like the Siberian traps or an asteroid strike.

Confusing question because I once posted asking how old ice at the North pole was and Trevor and a few others informed me it was less than 10 years old anyway, so ..... God Knows

I'll play it safe and say sometime before the end of the century.

I know! I'm being chicken. Or am I living up to my name? Or should I ask Al Gore to borrow the time machine that he used to go back to bribe Svante Arrhenius, so that I can give you a better answer.

OH NO! Where is Santa going to live?

If the ice disappears for a while I won't be concerned. It's not unprecedented.


The occasions that the north Greenland coast was ice fee corresponds with sea level high-stands in the holocene optimum.


When it all melts.

Maybe when it does the planet won't wobble so much? It's causing people to make hysterical claims.

it matters not what i think because i do not know only those qualified in the subject can answer you truthfully and isnt that what you are looking for the truth? speculation doesnt matter.you go to the source with that question.

When Al tells it too.


In 2013


in 2016


in 2020


in 2030


in 2040


in 2050.


in 2060


in 2070


in 2080 or 2090


Faster than the republican party will ever admit.