> How do abiotic and biotic facotors influence or affect our climate?

How do abiotic and biotic facotors influence or affect our climate?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
I have to do a science research on how abiotic and biotic influence our climate. so how do they influence/affect our climate?

Here you go start with this http://search.yahoo.com/r/_ylt=A0SO8xdKF...

It is interesting that to note that rising CO2 levels are having a big effect on abiotic and biotic factors, Co2 is causing deserts to recede, woodlands to grow where savannahs used to be, causing the Arctic tundra to reduce, all in all Co2 is greening our planet. http://www.seafriends.org.nz/issues/glob...

I guess that means you will be searching the web to differentiate the two and apply them to climate instead of having us do your research for you

Weather is like it was before global Warming in the 1870's, since global Warming ended in 2012 over a year ago. Mike

They are only a part of "making" our climate. Kano's links give a great start to understanding your research!!!

I have to do a science research on how abiotic and biotic influence our climate. so how do they influence/affect our climate?