> Is Steve Goddard banned from Reddit?

Is Steve Goddard banned from Reddit?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
As you can see the "Global Elites" are posting answers that don't answer your question.

Frankly, it doesn't matter if he is banned or not. AGW advocates don't really care that the United Nations have a plan to "depopulate" the Planet, just as long as they aren't on that list of people to be "terminated" so why should they care about Steve Goddard?

Their conclusions are that the climate is chaotic and non-linear, so why should it matter if the Planet has warmed by less than 0.5C over 133 years of instrumental measurements of Global temperatures? What does that have to do with Steve Goddard? He is just showing a different aspect that affects the climate and the Earth's temperature.

AGW advocate scientists are 99% sure that the "Theory of Evolution" is valid and we came from a very basic organism (and eventually apes) and are evolving from that, so why does it matter that they think humans can control anything when it comes to the climate? That would be up to evolution to control and not humans, so why does Steve Goddard matter to them?

AGW advocates believe that a 0.012% change in the whole atmosphere can severely change the whole Planet's ecosystem, so why would Steve Goddard matter to them? It would be great if Global temperatures would cooperate with their theory, but they choose to attack Steve Goddard, Richard Lindzen, and like-minded thinkers instead. It goes to show how shallow these people really are.

They are probably banning all "skeptics", because they are losing the message. Pretty soon the 'global average temperature anomalies' will be banned from public viewing because they will be misinterpreted when they show no measurable warming in 133 years (less than 0.5C to date) and that would totally go against their AGW Theory. We already know that temperatures can fluctuate by 0.5C in a matter of a couple of months.

Why does it matter that Reddit banned Steve Goddard?

The only one who would know for sure is Steve Goddard and we would have to take his word for it, just like we have to take the word of others who claim to have been banned from Steve Goddard's site. However since Steve Goddard does not claim on his own website that he is banned [1] I assume that he has not.

Despite the claim that skeptics are banned from reddit [2], there are still plenty of skeptics and even deniers in the comment section of reddit. Don't take my word for it, have a look yourself, although during my quick scan of the first article that had a lot comments [3], I did not see any one committing association fallacies [4] or make the ridiculous argument that a god has his hand on the thermostat. (and fries children because the parents do not tithe or bow deep enough for their god) [5]

Still that won't stop deniers from claiming (contrary to the evidence) that skeptics are banned for the reason of questioning the science... But those that do can not reasonably object to being called "alarmist", "conspiracy theorists", or "deniers".

While we are talking about Steve Goddard, just like the Nazi's he supports denying gun ownership to any one for the crime of not joining to the right political party. [6] [7]

One would hope so, as Goddard is a blatant liar, and reddit tries to provide real AGW information. I was actually quite pleased when I saw the comment that obvious lies would not be tolerated in that science section. Reddit, from the little I've seen, tries to present accurate information. I'll have to go look at their evolution section to see how they're doing. But this gives you an idea of how tired most people are becoming of sheer stupidity as promulgated by science deniers. This Yahoo site is a social network, not an outlet for truth. As is evident by the nonsense that deniers push here. It is refreshing to see a site where science is actually science, not the ten thousandth rerun of an ignorant non-scientific comment that has already been busted as a lie 9,999 times already.

Maybe. Reddit is a private website. If Steve Goddard is banned, it could be because he violated Reddit's terms of service.

Does anyone care ?

Another echo chamber goes insular to protect the hive mind.

Well someone said they were banning skeptics. If that is true then he would be banned

problematic issue. lookup onto google. that might help!