> Has sea level rise slowed?

Has sea level rise slowed?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 

Has anyone ever factored in the continental drift in these heavily adjusted sea level calculations? Would salinity tests be far more accurate way to measure sea level rise given that changes in elevation of certain area of the sea floor may account for most of the sea level rise?


I do believe that tectonic shifting has far more influence on the sea levels than a .8 C warming over 120+ years.

Average Sea Level has risen by 20 mm in the last three years. That is a rate of 6.7 mm per year or 240% the rate over the previous 18 years. More than doubling of a rate is not slowing.


Even the study that your crappy news source cites does not say that the rate of rise has slowed for any permanent reason, they say the reason is the ENSO and specifically says in the abstract that "our results confirm the need for quantifying and further removing from the climate records the short-term natural climate variability if one wants to extract the global warming signal.

The paper specifically says not to do specifically what JaNova does. How dishonest is that? JaNova knows that they can get away with lying about what the studys says because JaNova readers are too simple-minded to actually read.

This is the actual study for those interested. (I know that Kano is not interested but he never reads actual scientific sources.)


You need to use science based links to be taken seriously Nova is a dip sh*t denier who is only a self proclaimed climate scientist. She is not a climate scientist and has never studied climate science Anyone who takes her seriously denies not only AGW, but science itself

Nova hasn't even published a peer reviewed paper in her own field, which is communications and microbiology


>> the rate of sea-level rise slowed by thirty percent.<<

Test the scientific hypothesis that the measured change is significantly different from 0 (zero} change.

Oh, yeah, I forgot – you don’t know anything about any of that science and math gobbledygook – you’re just a vector programmed to infect others with the stupidity virus.

Gravitation, I guess.

in an alternate universe maybe... try again.
