> Where did the UN place the 50 million global warming refugees?

Where did the UN place the 50 million global warming refugees?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Jello, I am surprised you don't know this.

The climate refugees are hiding in the same place that the missing heat is hiding. You need to go back to re-education. Start pounding your head on the wall of enlightenment (any hard surface will do) until you see the logic that people like pegminer so graciously try to impart.

Smiley or ( ?° ?? ?°),

No. Not good enough. The article links the increase in refugees directly to climate change. If it would have linked the change to increased population, that would be one thing, but this is another.

You don't get to say, "look at all the refugees from events that have occurred since before man evolved on this planet". You are linking to climate change AND you are linking to multi-trillion dollar policies to be implemented to mitigate climate change.

MEANING, for your floods, droughts, heat waves, cold waves, storms, tsunamis, etc. you have to show an increase in at least the number of events. Not more people affected, which could be because of a larger population. Not some number that ALSO includes the people hits by Japans tsunami, which had NOTHING to do with AGW.

When you throw out that 42 million number and INCLUDE that huge tsunami Japan went through.... well, that is just BS.

You need to show an increase in refugess accounting for population growth in the areas and substracting out the refugees from event that have nothing to do with AGW.

If the article is right, it should be easy to see, with this "exponential" growth.

And BTW, would you NOT expect the number of climate refugees to increase with population increases???

Or should I be reading this differently. Is it sort of like me saying: "Someone will certainly be killed by a car somewhere in the world, WHILE I experience the effect of drinking a Coke." Is that what I am to presume he meant? No correlation at all, just stating two different thing entirely???

Perhaps they are in the deep ocean.

The UN even had up a chart of where these 50 million refugees are by country, then they disappeared the map.

The only real climate refugees are people thrown off their land in developing countries so others can collect money from a clean development fund.

You ask about "global warming refugees" and the article itself talks about "environmental refugees", you even do so yourself. btw here is a link to the article.[1]

To answer your question: According to the Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre, more than 42 million people were displaced in Asia and the Pacific during 2010 and 2011. This figure includes those displaced by storms, floods, and heat and cold waves. Still others were displaced by drought and sea-level rise. Most of those compelled to leave their homes eventually returned when conditions improved, but an undetermined number became migrants, usually within their country, but also across national borders [2]

People with diminished empathy and remorse [3] could well think that 42 million people displaced in a period of two years is not that bad (even if it is only temporary for some), but it is to me.

About 40 million are in a camp in Calais waiting to be admitted to the UK.

Angela Merkel, the German chancellor, is all for allowing immigramts free access to member states - particularly the non-German ones. To make Germany more attractive to immigrants Germany is proposing to house them in the old concentration camps.

In the same place as Dark Matter , gravity waves or particle and lost pens and socks .

Environmental refugees to top 50 million in 5 years --"There are well-founded fears that the number of people fleeing untenable environmental conditions may grow exponentially as the world experiences the effects of climate change and other phenomena," says UNU-EHS Director Janos Bogardi. - United Nations University news release - October 11, 2005

Since 10 years have passed since this deadline was met, I was wondering where the UN has put these 50 Million refugees. Do you know which country they started in and where they were moved too? How many more refugees have there been since 2005?