> What are pros and cons of recycling?

What are pros and cons of recycling?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
i mostly need cons, some economic and environmental ones thankyou:)

The cons are mainly economic:

It costs money to process all the bottles, glasses, etc. again.

Environmentally: Well, you require some energy in order to do the recycling (coal, electricity, etc).


-Reduces waste and the need for landfills (enviromental)

-Prevents pollution (enviromental)

-Creates jobs (economic)

-Saves money (economic)


-The resources we are trying to conserve like paper, glass, plastic etc. are in no danger of running out since paper is made from trees which are a renewable resource and glass is made of sand which is one of the most abundant resources on earth. We may need to conserve the plastic since it is made of oil and oil is a nonrenewable resource. (enviromental)

-Costs money to recycle (economic)

Hope I helped!! :)

There are no cons to recycling. Only one is where people don't take the initiative to recycle, when its so simple.

ok well my science teacher told my class that

■recycling can be GOOD and BAD

■it can be BAD because when you recycle the factories have to use those machines and they are bad for the environment....the chemicals the machines release are very harmful to the environment

■its GOOD because you can reuse the things you already have and that means less pollution


...what are the pros and cons of using a computer to the point it clouds your ability to think?

the answers are painfully obvious. turn the computer off and think.

i mostly need cons, some economic and environmental ones thankyou:)