> Is this just ANOTHER reason to avoid Chinese-made stuff?

Is this just ANOTHER reason to avoid Chinese-made stuff?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
do you remember back in the 50s and 60s when it was considered treason to be or deal with communists ? why have we allowed corporations to put americans out of work and then give the jobs to communists in china ? it's crazy . not only are they polluting , but we have imported some very bad bugs from there too . the long horn beetle has killed millions of our pine trees , and now we have to deal with stink bugs too , and the bed bug epidemic from all the new clothes we import from them . we are getting the sh**y end of the stick with those free trade agreements .

China just surpassed United States as the largest emitter of carbon emissions, but on a per capita basis we still emits six times as much CO2 per person. Boycotting their products would probably slow their economic expansion and slow down their pollution rate, but we still have to consider our own contribution to pollution. The day may come when responsible nations will impose economic sanctions on nations which refused to reduce their carbon emissions to an acceptable level.

the chinese are also the biggest producers of green energy and invests far more than any other country on renewable energy. Its highly hyprocritical for a country polluting much more on a capita basis and doing nothing to reverse it to criticise China.

Maybe because the Chinese made goods are equal (if not better) than the same goods made in the US by high cost labor unions. And if you can buy the same product much cheaper, wouldn't you buy it? Besides, can you really find products made in the US? Some, but not much.

Assholes are worried that they'll lose some money creating goods on their land and only wanting to spend less money in a different country with a poor economy.

China is emerging as one of, if not THE worst polluters on our planet. Why do we still purchase Chinese products? We are financing their greenhouse gas emissions and they are killing our Earth and poisoning us with their pollution.
