> Will we start making snow camels instead of snowmen?

Will we start making snow camels instead of snowmen?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 


The fact that you are amazed that it sometimes snows in Saudi Arabia says more about your overall knowledge than it does about Global Warming.

Clearly, 'snow in Saudi Arabia' 'questions' are heavily influenced by Dunning-Krüger.

I couldn't help but wonder with all the camels traipsing through the snow, I wonder if they leave camel toe footprints. I can't say I ever tracked a camel. That ought to get those up-tight Saudi's hot on the trail but I digress.

I've heard that it is no longer acceptable to make snowmen, due to the fact that doing so is racist. Why? Because all snowmen that people make are white, for some reason.

Nice one Jerry! But that's just weather or climate change. I doubt that the "climate clowns" can ever figure out the difference.



