> Have they completely lost it?

Have they completely lost it?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 

One thing is for sure, we can expect more of this as the pause continues.

Who, the media, as always you are not talking about science but a media stunt, re-reported by a denier blog.

This is why I try to avoid using media sources and blogs, sadly it seems that almost all of deniers points are based on these two sources.

I see nothing in your question or link that says anything about climate science, I do see the rather pathetic nature of semi-blogs like newsbusters who seem to be scrapping the bottom of the barrel for stories that will spin up with deniers, who sadly are pretty easy to spin up.

Meanwhile out here in the real world we now have the Nov data and @0.68c above the 20th century average we are now a step closer to 2014 being the warmest year on record, with one month to go.


So I guess I see why you guys want to talk about Christmas carols, you have no science to talk about.

Good for Katie Yoder! Exposing the anti-LIFE liberals and all of their life-degrading antics.

Makes one wonder if they really care about Global Warming/Climate Change.

LOL, You just do not get it. When a "denier" correctly states that there has been no increase in droughts and crop production has been increasing faster than population, ... well they are being evil lying deniers.

But when warmers talk about absurd things like mankind resorting to cannibalism due to AGW, they are telling the truth.

You see everything that does not promote fear of the devil gas CO2 is evil and done by evil liars who are spawns of the satanic Koch Brothers. But the warmers,..., they are the saviors of humanity. Everything they do is good and noble. In fact, when they are seemingly insulting you, they are graciously spending their time to inform you how wrong you are by presenting you with "facts" of your own stupidity. Because it is stupid to question AGW.

Now bang your head on the warmers wall of enlightenment (any hard surface will do) until you understand the errors of your ways.

Ha! Ha! Look at Peggy. "Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain." Then Peggy tells you to stop reading liberal rags via conservative sites. .

Good one! Just shows what entertains the greenie minds. If I had a child in Peggy's class, I would be careful what she hands out as treats. It could be Aunt Bernice! It is probably part of Michelle's lunch program.

Alph talks about freedom of speech but no doubt thinks we "tortured" terrorists in Guantanamo. I think we should force them to listen to this "humor" but that might really be torture.

Yes, it does appear that Newsbusters has completely lost it:

Yup I would say so, it doesn't seem so funny to me, more like embarrassingly stupid.

remember freedom of speech

You deniers read the nuttiest websites. If you think they've lost it, why do you read "newsbusters"?
