> Global warming is the biggest load of crap?

Global warming is the biggest load of crap?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
It's cold as hell outside . Why do we teach this crap in school? I see no evidence of global warming

It's the 3rd biggest load of crap right behind

"Obama is a good president"

"Socialism can work" --- which is absolutely the biggest load of crap ever.

Yeah it's cold as hell outside where you live so how can global warming exist right? Similarly the US has had it's warmest years on record so how can global warming exist? A few years ago there were massive wildfires and bushfires in Russia so how can global warming exist? Australia has just has it's warmest year on record so how can global warming exist? Instead of looking at single areas why don't we take the GLOBAL in 'global warming' and put it to use instead? While occurrences in single areas can be an outcome of a warming atmosphere the term global warming refers to the entire globe. If we look at global warming as it relates to ice sheets and glaciers we don't just look at one we look at a global distribution of them. similarly the same is said for temperatures.

Its actually called Climate Change, but it results in colder cold temps, hotter hot temps, and increases in storm power and frequency.

Just because its cold outside wherever you are doesn't mean that climate change isn't real. A better gauge is looking at the levels of CO2 in the atmosphere, and that has increased dramatically over the past 100 years. That CO2 traps heat in the atmosphere, and the increased heat causes global changes in weather and wind patterns. Also, the deterioration of the ozone layer allows for solar radiation to heat our planet, while the CO2 traps that extra heat. Its kind of a vicious cycle.

Honestly, it might be colder outside than usual because of climate change. Calling it global warming appears to be causing most of your confusion..

I also think that your lack of evidence is grounded in the vacuum of your physical existence, rather than access to appropriate global research and historical data. You don't have to see something for it to be true, because it will be true based on facts

Yes, that's it, global warming must be a myth, because it's cold outside, right now, where I live.

Are you for real?

Well, anything they have taught you in school has apparently been a complete waste, considering your reasoning skills.

Brainwashing the kids. AGW is just a fad a new terrifying disaster will be invented to

try to redistribute wealth and empty wallets.

It is like 2YK and Killer Bees .

Where you live is not the whole world.

It's cold as hell outside . Why do we teach this crap in school? I see no evidence of global warming