> Why don't more people recycle?

Why don't more people recycle?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
I mean like you could save money and earn money back just by recycling things


Because society has taught us not too. In order for company's to make more money they need to sell things, reusing things don't make money. Natural resources are used every time we buy something new, a plastic bottle uses oil and other things, another way for big company's to make money. So if our government, which is backed by big companies, told us to recycle then these companies would lose money. Like with gas, always raising the prices, we had the technology for a long time to build hybrid cars but Ford and other companies buy the copy rights and no alternative fueled cars, raise gas prices for oil. All about money and this country was taught to follow the big companies and whatever their agenda brings forth.

because people are lazy and forgetful...sometimes if i dont find a recycling bin i take the trash home with me and still recycle it.. people truly are super lazy and they just dont care about the consequences of thier actions.

Recycling destroys the envirnment.

I wonder that too. Really I think it's just a convenience thing.

Where I live, the city expects you to GIVE it to them, and the county CHARGES you for it, PLUS it is a 30+ mile trip ONE WAY to do either.

Thanks, but NO thanks, I'll just use my burn barrel!

Because they are lazy, and only care about themselves.

It is effort to do so?

I mean like you could save money and earn money back just by recycling things