> Which animals are losing their homes from global warming?

Which animals are losing their homes from global warming?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
With a 'predicted' rise of 0.7 degrees over the next 10 years it's ALL the animals that can't handle this level of temperature change. Of course no such animals actually exist because they all became extinct millions of years ago the first time the sun set and nightfall came.

The global warming will affect more strongly the fauna and flora from poles and temperate regions. So, animals like polar bears, polar foxes, some fishes and some whales and seals living in these regions will change the geographical distribution and possibly the populations will decrease.

Basically, the ones that can't migrate away, for one (or a combination) of several reasons:

1. They can't move. Some animals, like corals, are sessile.

2. They can't reach the nearest suitable habitat. Island species, and species living in island equivalents (for example, aquatic species living in ponds or lakes, mountain-top species separated by desert lowlands, and so on) often can't cross the space between where they are and where they need to go

3. Suitable habitat doesn't exist. Some species need fairly specific conditions, such as bogs, cliff faces, and so on. Other species are already *at* the coldest extant temperatures (think Arctic and Antarctic animals, like polar bears and penguins). In both cases, even if the species could *teleport*, they wouldn't have any place to go, because the conditions they need don't exist in one place any more.

4. Their situation is too fragile/precarious. If a species can only survive due to some odd advantage (a good example in plants is Venus fly traps, which thrive in very poor soil, because they get nitrogen from insects), and changing circumstances take away that advantage, and/or if a species has a very small population threatened by some pressure such as pesticide toxicity or human encroachment, they are likely to die out before they'd have a chance to move anywhere.

Unicorns are suffering the worst lost. Since AGW began unicorns have been endangered of extinction. Other than that, no animals are loosing their habitat. As climates warm and cool, and they always, slight adjustments occur at the margins. If it warms, habitats tend to migrate toward the poles and up in elevation and when it cools the reverse happens. No animal is actually losing its home. Some are spreading into new marginal territories and others are having their territories invaded by other animals more adapted to the changed environment.

these Animals and they lost their homes from the rising sun


There were 50 million climate refugees in 2010


There will be 50 million more in 2020


There will be 150 million more by 2050


Of course the anti science, kitten kicking, baby punching, wife beating, serial killing, holocaust deniers will try to pretend that there wasn't 50 million climate refugees in 2010.


These people are clueless though and rely on "facts" and "reality". Have you ever heard anything so ridiculous?


And animals don't have homes

We are actually losing more due to population.


the european snipe