> Since its been about 23 degrees F below normal this year are we now going back to global cooling ?

Since its been about 23 degrees F below normal this year are we now going back to global cooling ?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
How can we have such a cold year with global warming ????

Andrew, let me say this slowly for ya....

There has, through stalite measurement of glaciationa nd glacial melt, not been ENOUGH NET MELT, to provide the thermal differances you are mentioning.

It is physically IMPOSSIBLE for the amount of melt witnessed to have the impact you are describing. The delta in energy is quite simply off by a few orders of magnatude.

Take a course in thermo-dynamics and try again.

Yahoo Answers is for the whole world; kindly stop embarrassing the U.S. of A. Not all of us Americans are ignoramuses, so leave our country out of your delinquencies.

Your "question" (which has only been copy-pasted in some form thousands of times here already) makes as much sense as saying "How can Albert Pujols go 0 for 4 some nights, with a .325 batting career batting average?"

I say it slowly don't worry. The melting ice is changing the Gulf Stream and Trade Winds that bring the warm air and water from the south. Manchester is on the same latitude as Moscow. If we keep on warming/cooling the World you'd better invest in some of those furry hats with ear flaps. BTW. Fahrenheit went out when we moved out of the caves. It's been Celsius for centuries.

The c02 in the atmosphere might also be preventing the normal amounts of heat from entering. There's no doubt that there's more co2 in the atmosphere than there should be and it's effecting the weather.

Lol this is what im talking about. I ask my self that same?

How can we have such a cold year with global warming ????