> Who here doesn't believe global warming is a result of increased C02 concentration?

Who here doesn't believe global warming is a result of increased C02 concentration?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Me. okay CO2 is a greenhouse gas and could cause some warming, but at the moment there is no correlation between CO2 and temperature except for a brief period between the years 1978 and 2000


All the fuss is over that brief 12yr period, with no explanation for the other times when temperature did not follow CO2.

My belief is natural variations, like ocean cycles, solar cycles, atmospheric cycles are much more powerful in controlling our climate.

Sure...my ''theory'' is the Earth does not have a normal temperature. Over the past 100 million years Earth's temperature has changed a lot. So you can't say what the temperature ''should be'' ....

The small amount of warming we've experienced over the last several decades WAS NOT caused by human emissions of CO2. Anyone that says that is either uninformed or a liar.

Even Al Gore admitted that temperature rises FIRST. CO2 follows temperature --- IT DOES NOT DRIVE IT, like Al Gore wants you to believe.

Al Gore grudgingly admits that the warming HAPPENS FIRST


Here's the Vostok Icecore Records, have a look for yourself. And then if you STILL believe that CO2 drives warming then you are a science denier. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Co2-te...

It's all explained in detail in the videos below by some of the world's top climate scientists.

The Great Global Warming Swindle

Ignorance isn't a theory and belief is for religions and politics. Alarmists like to pretend to know why it is warming but in fact don't know. Our CO2 emissions should have an effect but we don't know if it is a large effect or a miniscule one and it is arguable if it is a beneficial rather than negative one. Just suggesting that it might have beneficial consequences is enough to cause alarmist's heads to spin. You tell me who is more rational.

Well the planet has been warming for centuries, and the existing warming is not that high. Basic physics says warming from doubling CO2 is about 1.2C. We have done half a doubling, so about .6C. If the planet has built-in negative feedbacks to moderate this warming, then the net warming amount would be small compared to the natural warming that has been observed for centuries.

It is true that we can't just conclude that increasing carbon dioxide is responsible for increasing temperatures. In fact, denialists often point out that carbon dioxide lagged temperature in ice core samples, but want us to jump to the conclusion that carbon dioxide still lags temperature.


Other factors also contribute to global average temperature, and we would need to analyze the effect of a combination of forcings.


Two of the most popular alternative explanations of the warming include the Sun and PDO. But a quick analysis of the data shows that neither is responsible for he warming since 1970.


Note, the question asks for alternative theories. A valid alternative would not simply be "natural causes", but must explain WHAT natural causes, and how they occurred.


Just you.

it is but very little bit

Please tell me why

I mean, even though there's a correlation between CO2 and increasing temperatures, we can't just instantly conclude there's a relationship

So, for those who don't believe CO2 is the cause, do you have alternative theories?

Or do you think it's just part of the natural pattern the Earth shows in fluctuations of temperature?

many do. al gore is all they need