> Why do alarmists never mention record ice growth in the Antarctic?

Why do alarmists never mention record ice growth in the Antarctic?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
I know they cook the books and alter data to fit their religion but you would think there would be a few honest ones who would present the totality of the evidence.

Oh we've been down that road, these guys will almost have you believing that global warming is actually causing the Ice Growth In the South or the Ozone Hole is causing cooling, but then you realize it doesn't matter what evidence you present them, they've bought the whole AGW theory hook line and sinker, and are convinced that CO2 is in control. And completely dismiss the possibility that the lull in solar activity could bring much cooler conditions in the future, even when its happening right in front of their eyes.

My, my


So I see a string of denier catch phrases but no real interest in an answer

But here is an answer anyway

The Antarctic and the Arctic are, in spite of their icy appearance, quite different the Arctic is open water surrounded by land so to some degree protected from large wave formation i.e traditionally ice can last most of the year. The Antarctic sea ice is surrounding land in open and very rough sea, it almost disappears each Summer and reforms each Winter

The Antarctic sea ice is exposed to the roughest sea in the world, the Southern Ocean, a system dominated by the Circumpolar Polar Current that acts to keep the region cooler, as for the nonsense this is never talked about that's odd given how many times I've now explained this to deniers.

The record growth you refer to is a small increase, while the loss in the Arctic is 4x as much, it was also covered in a number of recent points on the Antarctic Glacial melt, which deniers don't like to talk about, deniers in fact used to have a theory that melting Antarctic glacial ice would cool the worlds oceans and stop AGW (the thing they also used to say "isn't happening") There is not enough cooling effect to do that but melting ice can cool the waters around Antarctica allowing sea ice to survive a little longer or even grow a little, in the Arctic there is no such effect.

Scientists projected (over 15 years ago) that as we started to warm the Antarctic sea ice may indeed grow due to the actions of the Circumpolar Polar Current, melting glacial ice and the Katabatic winds that flow of the Antarctic ice sheet, at least for a while.

The claim this is not mentioned is either quite uninformed or a direct lie (I lean towards the later given the denier rhetoric in your comment) NSIDC have comparisons of the two on their public website for all to see and read


Long term the Antarctic sea ice has gone up and down but not changed much while the Arctic has shrunk markedly.

Going from the late 70's to today


And the evidence that Antarctic glaciers are melting (adding cool water to the surrounding sea)


So I guess the question back at you is can you counter this with anything other the the usual denier nonsense about religion (which is a convenient cover deniers use when they can't address the science) As for "they cook the books and alter data to fit their religion" how many denier fantasies are you going to pitch, that statement is a strait out lie. You post no example because the few deniers tried are completely discredited, but I think you know that.

Wow, quill so equal pay for women is a communist plot, you are a sad individual

Helping the poor and sick is a communist plot, interesting given you live in both the richest and about the only western country that doesn't have a government health care fund.

Although you do present a perfect argument for the absurdity of denial

"And any problem that is presented, whether real or fabricated, will be framed in a manner to suggest that Socialism is the solution. That is the Narrative."

I wonder how that theory gels with the other denier theory that it's "the green industry out to make a profit" that is Capitalism, you guys can't even get the side you are try to blame the same from one theory to the next, yet another example of deniers not caring how their absurd theories conflict with each other.

As usual you ignore the science and in this case even the question and post a Youtube video to some Republican stooge called Bill Whittle, wow there's a science based reply, ha ha ha.

My point is deniers can't address the SCIENCE, thank you again for proving my point.

You (like the question asker) hint at "dishonesty" but like the asker offer no link to the claim because you have none, outside the fiction posted in denier blogs, you know it, I know it, most who read this know it.

In NOAAs 2012 report, recently released, they do state Antarctic sea ice extent.


"Antarctic sea ice in 2012 was characterized by generally above-average area and extent throughout the year, compared to the 1981–2010 mean, with the exception of late May through early June and late November through much of December (Fig. 6.8a). A new maximum sea ice extent was recorded during September (since satellite records began in 1978; see http://nsidc.org/arcticseaicenews). Regionally, the pattern of sea ice variability throughout the year was closely associated with variations in large-scale atmospheric and oceanic circulation patterns and related local sea

surface temperatures." continued on page 141. This is the paper that is meant to be used by the media. Merely because some media outlets choose not to display this info while others choose not to display the evidence for the warming world does not mean much of anything does it?

And regarding 'missing heat'


Sagebrush: It's funny that you state you do address science yet all you do is post out-of-context quotes in here.

Totali?ty of the evidence? You seem to have missed melting and breakup in :

?Ross Ice Shelf - ?Larsen Ice Shelf - ?Filchner-Ronne Ice Shelf - ?Milne Ice Shelf, any one of which lost more ice than all of the sea ice even at its winter maximum.

Read the article you've linked to. It says the opposite of what you think it does

Denialists are such morons

the real Alarmists are the Climate Change Deniers, and there is not record ice growth

check this out http://apod.nasa.gov/apod/ap090421.html

This may be the most important video you'll ever watch.

The 'dishonesty' you've noticed in Global Warming is just one aspect of a MUCH large NARRATIVE.

In a nutshell.... if SOCIALISM is NOT the solution to a given problem, the problem is ignored by the mainstream media.

And any problem that is presented, whether real or fabricated, will be framed in a manner to suggest that Socialism is the solution. That is the Narrative.

The Socialists will wait until new warming trend emerges & say 'See we told you so'

Or wait for a year with a lot of storms.

Or if it's just Global Cooling from here to the next Ice Age, then the cooling will be the fault of Free Market Capitalism & the solution will be Socialism.

Are Women paid less then men... Socialism is the Answer.

Are there still Racists in America...Socialism is the Answer.

Is Healthcare expensive...Socialism is the Answer.

And of course conversely WHATEVER the problem is, Capitalism is to blame.

Bill Whittle: The Narritive

If you had actually read the article you would wonder why you posted this "question" of yours- it shoots your anti-science denialist ideas down with no problem.

Just look at Jeff M, presenting his article which admittedly deals with 'estimates' not facts. Get over it Jeff, you are losing.

They don't want anyone to know the truth. If we knew the truth then we wouldn't believe in AGW. It is a high profit industry, you know.

Quote by Tom McElmurry, meteorologist, former tornado forecaster in Severe Weather Service: “Governmental officials are currently casting trillions down huge rat hole to solve a problem which doesn’t exist....Packs of rats wait in that [rat] hole to reap trillions coming down it to fill advocates pockets....The money we are about to spend on drastically reducing carbon dioxide will line the pockets of the environmentalists....some politicians are standing in line to fill their pockets with kick back money for large grants to the environmental experts....In case you haven’t noticed, it is an expanding profit-making industry, growing in proportion to the horror warnings by government officials and former vice-presidents.”

Just look at Antarctic, "My point is deniers can't address the SCIENCE."

No the point is on the top of Antartic's head. We do address true science and it is obvious that is something foreign to Antartic.

Because record ice growth in Antarctica is tied to extensive melt in Arctic, Einstein!

Seriously, can't you even be bothered to TRY to find out the real answer before bothering us with your nonsense?

Read (if you are able to):


I know they cook the books and alter data to fit their religion but you would think there would be a few honest ones who would present the totality of the evidence.

Global warming, the ice will melt.

All I want to know is, how do they KNOW what the climate is SUPPOSED to be? Did it ever occur to them that maybe we are supposed to be whatever temperatures we are?

Also missing from discussion, Antarctica once had navigable rivers. They theorize tectonic shifts caused this. But their own science disproves it. The ice in the rivers is not old enough for it to be caused by tectonic shifts.

The new cut and paste theory is that deep ocean currents are causing this latest trend, and the faithful are rushing to the South Seas to prove that. (Prove what? I thought the SCIENCE was supposed to decide)....."sit down blasphemer!"

it is important to distinguish between the Antarctic Ice Sheet - glacial ice - which is losing volume, and Antarctic sea ice - frozen seawater - which is expanding.

So are we having global cooling caused by global warming?

These people...alarmists...are not truly interested in critical thinking and the scientific method. Sorry.

Aw come on now, you don't honestly expect that media is going to cover both sides of the issue do you, and that scientists will risk their funding by saying it's not that bad really.

This world has to have doom gloom and disasters, otherwise governments cant control us or impose taxes on us, media cant sell news, and scientists cant obtain funding, and might have to do something useful.