> Should we remove the ban on DDT due to global warming?

Should we remove the ban on DDT due to global warming?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
DDT should never have been banned in the first place. Those who pushed the ban are responsible for millions of needless deaths.

How would DDT solve any problem of global warming?

DDT is an insecticide, formerly very useful in temporarily knocking down mosquito populations so medical care could catch up with curing human victims of mosquito-borne diseases. DDTs use was greatly diminished by overuse (which bred resistant and immune mosquitoes) in 1965, when WHO had to abandon its campaign against malaria because DDT stopped working.

DDT remains a potent poison of wildlife, but its effectiveness against disease-carrying things has not improved.

Bed bugs, by the way, were wholly immune to DDT by 1960. You can't kill bedbugs with DDT. Useless.

I do not believe DDT is really safe, but in certain cases it might be alright to use it cautiously, the problem was DDT was used in huge quantities for everything and everywhere.

The robins eggs does not prove it is not dangerous, the top predators like eagles suffered the most because they ingested accumulative amounts that other creatures had built up in them, the same as mercury in sardines is low, but in tuna which eat a lot of sardines over a long period of time is high.

But the extreme quantities used in the first place was stupid, so was an outright ban.

It is still widely used around the world - despite the lies of the denier industry - specifically for what it was designed for : control of mosquitoes - especially in surface coatings & impregnated mosquito nets

The problems with DDT use , especially in USA , as a broad acre insecticide.

Stop repeating these stupid lies

DDT is still in use worldwide on bednets and as emergency application in localized outbreaks. The US ban was on agricultural use, which epidemiologists said would have resulted in its complete uselessness inside 5 years. US production ceased because the manufacturing co. went out of business. It couldn't clean up its production process, which has resulted in one of the worst ongoing cleanup problems in US history.

I consider the DDT propaganda you're supporting to be one of the most egregious frauds currently popular.

Replace malaria with long term genetic damage. Yeah that's smart. This is why you right wingers are so hated, you're just evil

DDT was banned due solely to falsified claims and millions and millions of people suffered and died as a result. Not only should DDT ban be lifted those who presented false data and claims ought to be criminally charged with that fraud.

Should probably never have been banned. Environmentalists love the power of writing a book that can get a product banned. That is why they write these IPCC reports.

Yes the Silent Spring book and film was based on lies .

And they showed that film in school .

According to 'C', "Places where torrential rains and floods occur will see small areas of water where mosquitoes will breed, some carrying malaria and dengue fever. Flooding in areas where sewers exist will see many more diseases will spread killing the very young and very old."

Wouldn't DDT solve that problem?