> Climate change is Australia finally coming to it senses?

Climate change is Australia finally coming to it senses?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 

I can see climate change alarmists being very uncomfortable about the situation in Australia.

What warmists do a lot is 'appeal to conformity' and like to imply that, the rest of the world is doing so much more to tackle climate change that their own country. They try to instil shame that their own country is not conforming to international norms and is therefore somehow deficient. This is much like the teenager who 'appeals to conformity' by telling his parents that all the other kids are allowed to do something therefore he should be allowed also.

What we have in Australia is a prime minister elected, who is vocally sceptical about climate change, is even on record as saying "climate change is crap" and won a landslide election victory promising to end the carbon tax.

Interesting to note, publicly funded organisations in Australia like the CSIRO and the ABC which are obviously pro-climate change are getting their funding cut by the current government. Climate change alarmism doesn't pay as well as it used to.

The skeptics are jumping with joy and claiming that Australia has abolished carbon taxes. Conveniently of course, as is so often the case with skeptics, this is only one half of the story.

It was recently announced that the current system is to be abolished but prior to that proposals were already in place to replace it.

Under the current system only the most polluting businesses are penalised, they pay for each tonne of CO2 they emit above a pre-determined level. Critics claim that this is damaging business, forcing up prices and hurting the economy.

The new system will be a 2.5 billion dollar (both A and US dollar) taxpayer funded plan that pays companies to reduce their emissions. Ultimately, the consumer/taxpayer is still being penalised.

Why is it almost impossible for skeptic sources to accurately report anything?

Man Made Climate Change any where on and in Earth mean a completely DEAD planet/ NO LIFE AT ALL. Global Command

Coming to it senses and Andrew Bolt in the same sentence ... computer says NO.

Tony Abbott has only dismissed the pricing scheme to win favour with his lobbying group. His policies across the enviornment and social issues shows that Abbott's government is out of touch with the Australian public and our values. Can't believe people were so stupid to elect the Liberals with their platform. None of this is a surprise yet only when he does what people elected him on do they complain ... what is worse that Australian's (not me) elected this government or that people are upset that the government is doing what it said it would prior to the election?


I suppose you could day that - If 'coming to ones senses' means the rejection of science and the adoption of a Pro-stupid political agenda.

