> How can sea level change affect global climate?

How can sea level change affect global climate?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
I don't know of any research about positive or negative feedbacks due to changes in sea level at the rates of change being measured recently. So far as I'm aware, it's a consequence of global warming but doesn't feed back to either increase or reduce that warming any further.

If you were to fast-forward enough time and the ocean levels were much higher than now (many tens of meters, let's say), then there would be a measurable increase in the surface area of oceans exposed to the atmosphere and there probably would be some kind of feedback. Whether or not even then it would matter much compared to all the rest that would have taken place by then, though, is another question.

If I were asked to come up with mechanisms here, I'd start with physical theory and see if I can imagine any theoretical mechanisms to explore. Indirect effects of rising sea level would have to include an increased exposure of land (changes of ice cover on Antarctica and Greenland and glaciers on mountains) and the likely impacts that would have on net albedo and, also, changes in albedo for the north polar region as ice melts there (but doesn't increase sea level... just responds to warming.) Direct effects would be a change in the ratio of shallow waters and swamps vs deep ocean and whatever that means, biologically and physically; acidification of the oceans may possibly have some impact on heat transport in the oceans (I've no idea here); the evaporation surface interface would certainly increase (though only slightly each year) so you may want to see if you can work out some mechanism there looking at atmospheric content of latent heat through evaporation -- but precipitation puts that back, so you'd need to figure out how this affects hurricanes, which is how the Earth transports heat upward towards the stratosphere where the radiation has a better chance at escaping into space; etc.

Frankly, I don't think it's going to account for much that is important. But I suppose if you don't look, you don't find things. So have at it. But I agree, it would be hard to find information on this.

In 2008 my Global Teams from all walks of life search our planet for the real cause of Global warming after I proved to 350 million people that our environment was in good shape. In late summer/ early fall the Russians accidently found the cause of Global Warming not knowing it at the time. We later found the location and I ran my experiments through my teams. When we shut down Global warming temporarily we found that all freshwater from melting Glaciers and Glaciers stopped melting and immediately froze. Anyway in 2012 I emailed my triple output of which I figured out to help feed the starving Russians more and at the same time delete Global warming. the reason why Global Warming was'nt detected before was being under the Russian Farms in a large cave useing a narrow beam to activate at dawn's first light into the size of daylight enough to weaken only iced areas. Global Warming is actually a ALIEN Organism. Once my triple Output was implemented by the Russians in July 2012/ 4 months later our Satelites reported Ice accumulation on different parts of Earth. That alone told me We deleted Global warming, but as my solution works it does it slowly, so that whats recently born in all species gets used to the colder climate, because winter is usually colder yet. Otherwise the new born everywhere would'nt survive the harsh coldness in many areas around our planet. I'm a civilian Global Command and this was my intention to allow nature to return to normal naturally, so all new born's can survive. Now our oceans are rising,. but not from Global warming, but from another location. I contacted Leaders from all over earth and stopped Dubois world 3 times from pouring hundreds of Billions of tons of sand into the saltwater being paid by an Arab Prince from Arabia thats also sending muslims to all countries to work for communications and internet services and later to make earth all muslim, but the oceans are only rising because of this and not Global Warming. I've asked many Presidents, Prime Ministers to check with the Satelites to what muslim countries are pouring in sand in the hundreds of billions of tons. I believe its Arabia, since its all sand. Mike

Global warning melts glaciers. Glaciers water go into the ocean. The sea level rises, and then tsunamis happen.

Don't buy into this sea level rise lie it's bull.

I know that global warming is causing rising sea levels. However, I've been asked to explain the mechanisms through which sea level change affects global climate and I'm finding it hard to find information, if someone could help me get started as to what I'm looking for I'd really appreciate it :)

Thank you!