> What do you think of Jerry Brown blaming the illegal immigrants on Climate Change?

What do you think of Jerry Brown blaming the illegal immigrants on Climate Change?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 

Oops, I asked the same thing. I will delete mine, I guess great minds think alike right.

I couldn't help but notice that the Govna is trying to scare people with a northward migration. Alarmists did the same thing with mosquitoes (e.g Alarmists have claimed that malarial mosquitoes will migrate northward).

Mosquitoes are actually attracted to CO2 we breath so perhaps Moonbeam is implying that the Mexicans are like mosquitoes. Clearly he was trying to scare people with Mexicans to push his tired agenda. They really don't have any respect for the people who vote for them and in that regard I'm in complete agreement.

LOL Sage!!! These climate clowns keep making a living on any liberal politician's stupidity and then they try to "twist and turn" the information to suit their own regards. "Migration" is solely based on Central America's and Mexico's Governments inability to satisfy their own populace with opportunity. Climate Change mitigation will only cause more disparity among the lower income. That's been shown time and again to these environmental zealots, but they just can't accept the truth.

Governor Brown blames everything on climate change as he is a longterm adherent of that religion. I'm sure the sanctuary policies he's pushed in Sacramento have nothing to do with it.

linlyons ---

>>California Governor Jerry Brown: Climate Change Will Drive Millions of People North over the Border"

Notice that it does NOT say that climate change is responsible for current illegal immigrants.<<

As soon as i saw the article, I thought the same thing. No matter how many times you see it - Sage's stupidity always seems fresh and new. And the fact that jim hopped on the Stupid Bandwagon with such pride at matching Sage dysfunctional-brain cell for dysfunctional-rain cell is enough to make a person laugh until they can't stand up.

It;s amazing that an idea which even the Pentagon and CIA identified as an inevitable problem a decade ago somehow just now popped out of the mind of Gov. Brown. And Deniers wonder why we accuse them of not knowing anything about AGW - as if they expect no one to notice their pathological stupidity.


Surly --

>>, but I do wonder how unintelligent people get into positions of power so often. <<

You "didn't read the link" - but they are unintelligent. Most likely, you are confused because you are ignorant and uninformed. That makes you the stupid one - not them.

It sounds like Jerry is trying to steal algores thunder by blaming humans and illegals

for what ails the Earth .... WHASSUP, Jerry ???

Blaming illegals will not be enough to

halt algores annual $4.2 Billion heist on the taxpayers, or obamas open-border policy.

Nice Try, Jerry --- after all, they *do* eat more beans than we do.

Is denial connected with a fundamental inability to read? The "article" that Sagebrush linked to was only a couple of paragraphs long, but Sagebrush still failed to read an understand it--and it was his link!

Surly illustrates denial perfectly, he admits he hasn't researched the topic at all, but still expresses an opinion on it.

Jerry Brown continues to be a remarkably effective governor.

I didn't read the link, but I do wonder how unintelligent people get into positions of power so often. Mr Brown sounds like a thick moron.

What do I think of Jerry Brown blaming the illegal immigrants on Climate Change?

Can't say I think anything of it, given that is not what he is quoted as saying

A better question would be what do I think of denier who post links with fake question based on non-existent quotes, not much!.

If you guys want to make false claims, that your own links clearly show as false, and then pat each other on the back for those claims that your business, but if you really think that reflects well on you or your cause, then I pity you and your delusions.

As Gary F stated (You "didn't read the link") funny how deniers seem to be making a habit of this lately.

edit: So no denier is willing to comment on the fact the question 'as asked' is false, I guess in denier logic they think nobody will notice this if they give themselves lots of thumbs up!!!, yawn.

"California Governor Jerry Brown: Climate Change Will Drive Millions of People North over the Border"

Notice that it does NOT say that climate change is responsible for current illegal immigrants.

However, climate change does, and has, and will, negatively affect food production in areas that are already hot.




This is the guy that said the airports would be flooded.

It is still not as bad as the UN Secretary General who said that war in Africa was because of global warming.


Since He has no evidence , Moonbeam is running his mouth

I think he ought to find out why Californians and jobs are crossing the border to Texas first


Delusionist is the new name we can now attribute to warmons.