> How do you combat global warming at home?

How do you combat global warming at home?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
I want to know everything I can do at home to help do my bit to stop global warming. Best answer gets 10 points!!!!!!!! All answers are appreciated!!!!!!!! Thanks!!!!!!!!

Hi! I'm studying Geology at university (in Italy) and I attended a course about pollution last year!

First of all, you can reduce waste by choosing reusable products and buying products with minimal packaging. Whenever you can, recycle paper, plastic, newspaper, glass and aluminum cans. If there isn't a recycling program. Use less heat and the air conditioning: turn down the heat while you're sleeping at night or away during the day, and keep temperatures moderate at all times. Share information about recycling and energy conservation with your friends, neighbors and co-workers, in fact ignorance is the most important enimy of global warming! Tyr also to use less your car! To go by bike is a good idea to keep fit and to prevent global warming!

Sorry for all my mistakes :)

To minimize your contribution, just minimize your costs for power. Think about saving money. Good isolation to reduce gas burned for heat. Good shading to reduce air conditioning. In a place with mild weather or coastal weather pattern you can avoid using AC during the summer by opening doors and windows in the early morning and closing them before temperatures rise. If you have adequate exposure, install solar panels to harvest solar power (helps v global warming only where coal or gas is your primary source of energy; helps reduce other pollution issues in places like Calif which uses hydro and other clean energy sources but not global warming). Reduce gas use when driving: a higher mileage car, commuting at times with less traffic, using public transportation, drive with gentle acceleration and breaking, live close to your work. These all save you money. Reduce your power usage and you save money for other uses.

More importantly, vote. Currently, people and companies who cause damage do not pay for the damage. If you reduce power usage, the dollars you save are less than the value of damage you save, less than the costs for adaption and repair that we have to pay in insurance rates and taxes. If more costs were shifted to intense CO2 producers and away from processes that produce less CO2, you would save more money and CO2 emissions would drop. (This is what they do in British Columbia: tax CO2 emissions and reduce other taxes to keep it revenue neutral, causing clean companies to become more profitable and careful households to keep more wealth.) But in the United States we have already voted to do nothing but cause more damage -- such as the extreme storm surge of Sandy that flooded subways for the first time ever -- for our kids to pay. We have voted to be a generation with no accountability that took from our parents and take from our kids. If you don't believe we should leave such huge costs for later generations, you believe heavy emitters of CO2 should more be responsible for the changes the CO2 causes, and you believe you should be fully rewarded for positive changes you make, then we have to change the members of the House to get decision-makers who don't like flooding, who don't like homeowners being unable to afford their homes such as the victims of Sandy, who are able to look a bit into the future. If you prefer a House of Representatives who think our greatest scientists who make up our National Academy of Science should be ignored (these are the same Representative who believe you can't get pregnant if you are raped legitimately, these are people who hate science altogether) then you should vote for incumbents because that's who we now have. You make a bigger difference by voting than by what you can do individually.

Educate yourself, your family, your neighbors, etc. as to the science and the issues:


Its imaginary it does not exist .

I want to know everything I can do at home to help do my bit to stop global warming. Best answer gets 10 points!!!!!!!! All answers are appreciated!!!!!!!! Thanks!!!!!!!!