> With a fed tax on gasoline for over 80 years having raised 100s of billions of $ for jackbooted Marxist dictators like E

With a fed tax on gasoline for over 80 years having raised 100s of billions of $ for jackbooted Marxist dictators like E

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
...how is it that the entire Republican Party was not sent to the Siberian Gulag long ago? Did the Hollow Moon and Al Svante Gore's time machine have something to do with it?

Only if Maxx and Sagebrush, the Rothchild Candy brothers, approve.

The taxes were raised by congress and congress is the group that decides how they get spent. Neither Ike nor Reagan were "marxists" nor did they wear jackboots.

GW Bush received over $1m from oil companies in the run up to the 2004 election not to be too hard on them, as far as cleanng up spills and enviromental laws in general.

What money do you think was used to build all the roads and highways in America?

The Soviets wouldn't take them.

the tax on gas goes to build our interstate highway system and keep our roads in repair . a lot of it goes to " favored " republican connected construction companies .

...how is it that the entire Republican Party was not sent to the Siberian Gulag long ago? Did the Hollow Moon and Al Svante Gore's time machine have something to do with it?