> Are the so-called "Apollo moon landings," the so-called "round earth" and so-called "budget def

Are the so-called "Apollo moon landings," the so-called "round earth" and so-called "budget def

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
And if Wattsup DOESN'T make such claims, does that mean that Reptilian-Freemason mad scientists have infiltrated his website?

Ask Weird Al

You are kidding, right? The Earth is flat, the Sun goes around it, and NASA faked the moon landings.

Yeti and flying saucers are real, and the Earth is not warming.

My vote for bigger hoaxes is still virgin birth and resurrectiom. Hard to beat a story that lasts 2000 years.

And I though Homer Simpson did not exist and here you are alive and asking questions on Answers,

They are all Democrat hoaxes

i don't think there is evidence...

And if Wattsup DOESN'T make such claims, does that mean that Reptilian-Freemason mad scientists have infiltrated his website?