> Melting of ice on Greenland and in the Artic may lead to...?

Melting of ice on Greenland and in the Artic may lead to...?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
How about none of the above. Ice always melts. It accumulates on one end and melts on the other. In other words ice always melts in Greenland and the Arctic. Some glaciers have receded.

A isn't true

B Lynlions, I think you didn't think that through. Raising the pH means making it more alkaline. lowering the pH makes it more acid. The ocean is very basic (high pH). If you dilute it with slightly acidic melt water, how is that going to increase the pH. I know they talk about ocean acidification but that is more of a myth or at best a ridiculous exaggeration and the ocean is far from being an acid.

Melting of the ice could conceivably slow the Gulf Stream making Europe colder so D is possible but remotely so.

Here is a link to the Younger Dryas


The prevailing theory is that the Younger Dryas was caused by significant reduction or shutdown of the North Atlantic "Conveyor", which circulates warm tropical waters northward, in response to a sudden influx of fresh water from Lake Agassiz and deglaciation in North America. Geological evidence for such an event is thus far lacking.[15

None of those five choices is correct. The correct answer is this...the melting of the Greenland ice caps would result in an increase of the sea levels around the world by about 5 to 7 meters.

All of the above are wrong.

Since the ocean is alkaline, diluting it will reduce pH.

It could result in a lot of things to a greenie. They are well known for having a vocabulary different from the sane factions of the world.

A:Melting of floating ice in the arctic will not add to sea levels.in general melting ice of glaciers such as greenland INCREASES sea levels

B: pH levels increase (less acidic) as fresh water from melting ice is added. This is small compared to the increase in acidity (drop in pH) due to CO2 absoprtion worldwide

C, No. Polar bears need more ice, not less

D. Possibly as Jet stream patterns change

E. cannot be right. Snow on ice is white and reflects solar radiation. Loss of ice especially in the arctic exposes darker ocean and adds a feedback to more warming

So, best answer is B, but possibly D

"B) an increase in ocean pH levels "

If you add water to an acid, you dilute it, and raise the ph.

A lower ph indicates higher acidity.

"D) a decrease in the average temperature in Europe "

When you add ice to a drink, as the ice melts, the temperature decreases.

It's the same with glacial and floating ice.

However, it should be noted that both of those effects are so small as to not be measurable.


A) a decrease in ocean levels

B) an increase in ocean pH levels

C) an increased polar bear population

D) a decrease in the average temperature in Europe

E) increased reflection of solar radiation, which will delay global climate change

Has to be E, right?