> Which is it Time Magazine global cooling or warming?

Which is it Time Magazine global cooling or warming?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 

I wouldn't be too hard on Time magazine. Their job apparently is just pushing the apocalypse-du-jour. I'm not saying their reporting is 100% accurate but they do get their info from scientific sources so maybe that's where we should be looking.

When you think about it, if Time was a studious group they're the ones that should be asking their scientific sources questions. It makes me think that now they are just megaphones for somebody else. How sad.

And some don't seem to think this is a big deal, i.e. those who are feeding the megaphone. However, someday the megaphone will be on the other foot.


@pegminer: "By the way, one refers to the circumpolar vortex (the entire circulation around the pole) while the other refers to a polar vortex, which is an eddy off of the full circumpolar vortex, so they are not exactly talking about the same thing."


circumpolar vortex - the large-scale cyclonic circulation in the middle and upper troposphere centered generally in the polar region; also called polar vortex.

They are exactly the same thing.

Although you inadvertently make a point that calling an eddy a "polar vertex". Seems the media and even climate scientists are making this mistake. I guess that term is the new PR baby.

The way I read it, back in the 70s the majority of scientists said the planet was warming and a minority who said it was cooling, and in the early 21st Century there is a majority of scientists who say the planet is warming and a minority who say it is cooling. TIME reported on that; in both instances related to the polar vortex it would seem that air masses are being displaced. I really don't see the contradiction, but TIME is a news magazine and they are going to report on whatever sells the most magazines.

As far as C acting rude, Goddard is pretty rude so he's getting as good as he gives. And as far as censorship goes I'm opposed to it but honestly, what has happened to manners? I can barely get a thank you at a store when I spend my hard-earned money there nowadays, is it any wonder that all we do is butt heads? Nearly everyone is crying about political correctness, especially those who are most offended by the concept except when it is their ox being gored, then they're all wah wah wah.

I don't like to associate individual weather events with global warming, but similar effects may have vastly different causes. These are articles written 40 years apart and referring to different atmospheric situations. There's nothing really in conflict between the two.

By the way, one refers to the circumpolar vortex (the entire circulation around the pole) while the other refers to a polar vortex, which is an eddy off of the full circumpolar vortex, so they are not exactly talking about the same thing. It's like the difference between talking about the path of the full jet stream and that of an individual storm.

The Steven Goddard site is so bad you might as well be reading imagulliblefool.com

EDIT: I'm saying that Goddard's site is telling lies in general. You only link to denial propaganda websites, why is that? It's not censorship that's needed--it's your own discretion in being able to tell science from garbage.

EDIT for Ottawa Mike: Some people are less careful in their language. NSIDC can say that--I disagree with them. The polar vortex causing the cold weather in the northeast was a closed upper level low with a circulation that did not surround the entire pole, hence it cannot be a "circumpolar" vortex. By my way of thinking there are generally two polar vortices (or polar lows) in the circumpolar vortex. In the mean they are located in northern Canada and over northern Siberia.

Hopefully Cooling!

I need some more powder to rip up!

@Ottawa Mike: "... megaphone will be on the other foot. " Brilliant, that image rendered me completely helpless for some time!

It's GW and Goddard doesn't know sh*t

It's GW and Goddard doesn't know sh*

Ottowa Mike nailed it. There is nothing to add.

AGW cultists are now acting like cornered animals as they are increasingly confronted with the harsh reality of their religion crumbling.

I agree with ottawa
