> Did you ever think wind farms would kill flora and fauna, then promote corruption on top of it?

Did you ever think wind farms would kill flora and fauna, then promote corruption on top of it?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 

Yes, but then I am a sceptic.

Oh, and a cynic, of course.

People can see the problems with the old ways but it takes time for the problems with anything new to be seen - particularly if you don't look too hard. Think of the rare earth mines in China where they get the raw material for wind turbine generator magnets as a case in point.

Wind is free the proponents say - so is coal, I say.

But coal mines are dangerous to work in and are unsightly, they say.

What raw materials are needed for your solution, I ask.

They do not know of any therefore it must be cleaner, they think.

"Take a look at these two old Chinese NIMBYs complaining about how a six mile wide lake of effluent has ruined their country-side. A lake of effluent, produced mining Neodymium."

Wind fsrms are like mind farms. Something great they cogenerate, but each has other things going on than a free fanning .

Yet. Wind energy that would erode truss stability of fellows homes and businesses can be ebbed from supprted steeples therein. Soongbirds and low swept shade trees go beneath the users personal windmill and the eyesore. And insurance static can lbe squelched by air rights to real lots. Air alluvials are changed by further construction, but further construction can be community turbines. Employing insulating contoured ducting can expell birds out baffles and procure a wind jet propelling ideal for elevtric coils and traditional steambpats 1874.

Maybe it hits the odd mosquito or bat or duck but not vegetables.

Coal is not free. Coal also produces smoke, soot, and carcinogens . To say coal is free, is like saying "oil" is free. It ain't

Wind produces nothing in the form of pollution. It is just there when it is there.

Corruption happens where-ever there is a multibillion dollar project on the go. Somebody is always skimming $$ from the top.

Neodymium is used to produce better stronger magnets.

Virtually everything humans do kill flora and fauna to a greater or lesser extent, and any endeavor where humans and money is involved typically has some corruption associated with it.

You should know that, you linked to an article by Delingpole, and he is one of the most corrupt journalists I know of. He probably kills flora and fauna for the fun of it too.

Wind Farms? Well, I never thought they were especially unique in terms of human endeavor, so why would I expect them to be abnegating the results of all human activity?

Coal, oil, and natural gas are a) clean b) have no impact on the environment c) don't receive massive government subsidies and d) have never been involved in corruption or collusion?

Pot. Kettle. Black. Or something ...

Corruption in Mexico?



Of course people knew that these were the effects of their actions, but they didn't care as long as their checks kept rolling in from the government programs.

No, because I am too busy trying to kick the GPS in my SUV so I can find my way to your weekend Road Kill Barbecue. Not sure I want to taste any, but I can help light the sagebrush fuel for the grill.

Flora? Plants are flying into wind turbines?


Give Dillingpole a break. He does produce a lot of plant food. (Raw sewage is plant food.)


