> Who is moving questions around from skeptics and why?

Who is moving questions around from skeptics and why?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
My question about whether global warming theory fails basic statistics was placed in Mythology and Folklore.

I did not, but given catastrophic global warming is folklore, perhaps all the questions should be moved there.

I'm only able to move my own questions and not anyone else's. Does this have to do with the manual selection?

Until you mentioned it I didn’t know that questions could be moved (thanks CLIMATE REALIST for your answer). Just tried it on this question – moved it into Other Environment then back again. Interesting.

It’s a feature that’s very much open to abuse. Even if something ends up in the wrong category then shouldn’t it be up to the asker to move it. Having that as an option makes sense, but not where anyone can move things around.

To answer your specific question – I’ve no idea who is moving questions.

When you post a question, choose your topic manually. However, I have noted that YA now allows the category to be edited by anyone who views a question and not just the asker.

I would only do that if the asker asked for help in getting the question in the right topic.

Although, mythology and folklore is the perfect category for denialist claims.

Global warming is happening


And we are causing it


The ten warmest years in the instrumental record are 2010, 2005, 2009, 2007, 2002, 1998, 2006, 2003, 2011 and 2012.


Don't know, BUT, I did see that Edit Category button, and didn't like it.

I found that odd too--it should have been in politics, since it was clearly a political rant and not a real question on global warming.

Not I but that category seems quite appropriate. Somebody has a sense of humor.

because that's where your mythology about global warming being wrong belongs.

Not who ... what ....


you post a question

My question about whether global warming theory fails basic statistics was placed in Mythology and Folklore.

LOL! I have no answer to this question for you, short of it must be poetic justice or there is a God. :)