> If I like my climate, can I keep it?

If I like my climate, can I keep it?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Will legislation actually solve anomalies that occur naturally?

I'm really interested. I mean really.

Well the legislation will not alter our climate one jot, but will probably ruin our economies, and our prosperity and ultimately our health.

Climate control legislation is nowhere near that level of implementation. In it's current form it can barely keep a lid on things. In the future, though, regional climate changes will be recognised as far more important than they have been up to now.

Climatic influences will be the target of legislation, rather than blame being assigned for specific phenomena or events (which necessarily always ensue from a combination of anthropogenic and natural factors).

Any legislation needs to be somewhat globally agreed and enforced in order to minimise the overwhelmingly negative impacts of change (whether natural or otherwise) in most regions, but each region, notably Russia at present, will tend to prioritise the outcomes which affect most.

Only IF you take the time to set and control the air conditioning, in your home, in the summer; and the heat in the winter correctly. Outside of your home and car; there is No such thing as "Global Warming". As far as the sea level "rising" or "falling", that can not happen either. However, if the sea level does seem to fall; it could be because of the sea salt finally, completely rusting out the sunken warships from World Wars 1 and 2. Think about your bathtub. When fill you tub for a bath; then prepare to get into that bath, what does the water level do when you finally sit down into the tub? It rises....right? When you get out of the tub, doesn't the water fall back down to where it was before you got into the tub? When you prepare to wash a large bowl or pan, in the dish water that filled your kitchen sink; doesn't the water level rise while pushing the empty bowl or pan into the water. And once the water begins filling the bowl or pan so that it sinks into the water, and fills the bowl or pan; doesn't the water level fall back down to normal, while overflowing from the bowl or pan? It just might be possible that all of those World Wars 1 and 2 warships are completely rusted out, after all of these years; filled up completely with water; and that now the Oceans' sea levels are back down to normal.

That is our current administrations mantra.

To the mullahs, he promised, if you like your nuclear program you can keep it.

To the Russians, he promised, if you wait until after the election, and you like your former territory, you can keep it.

Will legislation solve our natural anomalies?

If you like your anomaly just wait and it will change.

South Dakota proverb.

Obamacare is a good example of what "legislation" can do for us. We had to wait to see what was in it and when we saw what was in it, we sure didn't want it, at least the sane among us..

What Obama was really saying is that if you like your policy, you can keep it Period.... but that only applies to those people named Period.

Yes. The State legislator of North Carolina legislated that the sea level is not rising. It is now safe for you to buy a house on Cape Hatteras right on the beach and leave it to your grand kids (or retire their).

Global Warming is over with as of 2012. Have a nice day. Mike

No you can't keep your climate. You will pay more money for a climate that is inferior to the old one, but you will be told that it is much better.

Pretty clear you went over Bill's head with that one.

If it makes you feel better, Rio, rest assured that the climate isn't changing. The governments of the world have thrown billlions and billions toward proving that it IS changing and have basically proven that it isn't.

Half a degree over 150 years? I call that stable.

I hereby declare that you can keep your climate!

LOL. More and more of these are popping up :p

The answer is no because ALGORE says so

Being that we haven't got ObamaClimate yet, you may be able to keep it --- a little longer.


Will legislation actually solve anomalies that occur naturally?

I'm really interested. I mean really.

I'm sorry, your question is incomprehensible.