> What will happen this year? Climate change?

What will happen this year? Climate change?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Will Climate change cause devestating stuff to happen to the US this year? Will many people die from it? Or will it take a longer process (5-10) years until this would happen?

Stop watching too much tv, it's affecting your reasoning skills.

No precaution followed yet everyone tends to create human Error being aware of it, which could be easily avoided such as e- waste, waste garbage lying loose on the street, Pollution of various kind. Why this year, each year we people on the planet live with fear as ocean level would rise or Glacier Mountain would melt would their be another 2012 incident which happened in documentary Movie. Climate Change does worry us as mountain, sea and dessert changes the climate frequently, or climate being abnormal at times

I'm sorry, but there simply is no man-made climate change. See what the experts say.

Top climate scientists say there is no man-made Global Warming.

The Great Global Warming Swindle

Well kano is deluded about climate change being a natural cycle. The DA deniers here have been crying that tune ever since I joined this forum.

Although climate change is predicted to bring more and stronger storms to the planet. there is no way to predict when or where these might occur.

Rather than panicking, start reducing your carbon footprint

More extreme storms, like hurricane Katrina and tornados will be common.

give to the suggest peoples

Man made climate change, is just not happening, our changeable climate is due to natural cycles.

It might even get cooler,

Will Climate change cause devestating stuff to happen to the US this year? Will many people die from it? Or will it take a longer process (5-10) years until this would happen?