> Should James Hansen be making that kind of money from his position?

Should James Hansen be making that kind of money from his position?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Dook - You're a friggin idiot! Taxpayers are the people like the Koch family. I think you should be looking at the banking elites instead of people like the Kochs. The U.S. taxpayer already pays Hansen a good salary plus I'm sure he has a nice budget to work with that includes buying some nice $200 - $300 dinners. It just goes to show how people like him and Al Gore are just profiteers like the Kochs.

Ian - subsidies are there so the Government can get theirs. The Government makes a hell of lot more money off of oil than oil companies do. Read here : http://townhall.com/columnists/christoph...

"You would think from the LCV’s pledge that oil and natural gas companies pay virtually no taxes and are gaming the system for profit. This could not be farther from the truth: paying nearly $100 million a day in income taxes―and $300 billion in total income taxes between 2004-2008―the oil and natural gas industry’s effective income tax rate is 48 percent, compared to 28 percent for other S&P Industrial companies. And that’s just income taxes, those numbers don’t even include an additional $60 billion in non-income taxes or $350 million in excise taxes paid on petroleum products."

If you don't mind me saying, I think that's being slightly na?ve.

Do you expect all scientists to be penniless paupers before you believe what they have to say? Or are scientists allowed to earn big money too?

I don't think the issue is the sum of money people earn. That's their business. But I do agree that, if public officials working for government agencies are earning lots of cash, then the origin of that money needs to be examined. However, as a non-US citizen, I think that's a wider problem in US politics than GW. I mean, presidential election campaigns costing billions? And all this cash has no influence? No lobby groups getting a bit of preferential treatment as a result? The occasional contract going one way and not the other?

So, I'm not going to pass judgment on one person. I will pass judgment on the US system at large. And that seems dubious to an outsider.

It is a bit troubling that this activist who promotes the dangers of AGW and is making a fairly decent amount speaking on it is also in charge of the GISS temperature analysis. In politics that would be a conflict of interest. I guess it's okay with NASA and the alarmists though.

I'm sure if the situation was reversed and the head of GISS was a former oil executive who was making millions on speaking how overblown AGW is and was adjusting temperatures downwards the alarmists would have no trouble with it.

@HD...I'm totally against oil companies receiving subsidies myself. That still doesn't negate the fact that Hansen is getting money for speaking on the dangers of "Climate Change" when he's in charge of analyzing temp data. "Oh look, I've found another excuse to adjust the temperatures upwards. Yay!"

It is all private money. Through your taxes, you only have to pay the salary he makes as head of 6,000 emploiyees at GISS and maybe his salary as a professor at Columbia University. Other than that, what people do with their own money is their business. Unless you are a socialist, like your friend, Karl Maxx.

And the money which he is recieving from non-taxpayer sources is insignificant compared to the billion dollar check he would recieve if he sold out to big oil.

Psy Gua

Hansen made a couple of millions after a long and distinguished scientific career that helped warn the world about global warming. A warning which REAL conservatives paid attention to decades before you had even begun being brainwashed by anti-science bloggers

Wow, now the true nature of the denial movement has become clear--they're against capitalism!

I hope this information is more reliable than the "Will Harper" fiction that you came up with in your other questions.

Ironically, the organization (American Tradition Institute) which obtained the records has been accused of 'corruption and money laundering'.


This article just shows the known money James Hansen is raking in. Notice he is hiding under the privacy acts. Heartland not only reveals the contributors, they reveal their amounts. Shouldn't we expect even more from public officials?